Chapel Happenings…By Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 11 Aug 11 - 0 Comments

What a great time we had recently at our Friday Night Youth Rally! We had three teams competing for basketball champs – and the winner was the Seadrift team.

Our regular Friday Night Youth events begin August 12 with a time of safe fellowship, Godly fun, and delicious food! Bring a friend and come on any Friday except the first Friday of each month. Yes, even when there are football games at CHS, we will host Friday Night Youth!

Captain Robert announced that another successful Sea Academy Class was hosted by the Chapel on July 29 through August 5. As usual, all those who took the class passed the requirements and will soon receive their Captain’s Licenses from the United States Coast Guard via the mail. The next Sea Academy class is scheduled to begin on September 30. For further information, please call Captain Robert at 361/816-3010 or the Sea Academy at 361/758-6184.

Personally we have been blessed in several ways – we have not only seen people find Jesus as their personal Savior, but have assisted them in following Jesus’ example in water baptism. We have rejoiced as people have allowed us to help them celebrate personal birthdays with them. We were recently honored to be a part of a wedding renewal. We hosted a Houston Ministry, who came to Port O’Connor to pass out school supplies for our school children. We have witnessed growth in our attendance at all of our services and had the honor of meeting new friends who wish to grow with us at the Chapel. It is such an honor to be a part of what the Lord is doing in our community in many different ways. Recently a Houston couple donated a commercial gas range for our Retreat Center. A family got new furniture, and we were able to help a young family get better living room furnishings. We had a local family donate a freezer, which we have passed on to Strong Tower Ministry. We have almost put the finishing touches on a new storage area that we need to store items that we will need, but need to store until the Retreat Center is more complete. After Poco Bueno, we had a boat captain donate another “sea catch” to the Chapel, which we will be passing on to needy folks. Does all this sound like we have been busy? – Yes, but we are honored to be a part of it all!

This past weekend, Joane and I were gone ministering in Columbus and LaGrange. In our absence, Hermano Jessie Alderete ministered in both the Sunday School hour and morning worship time. The evening service was filled with the preaching of Patrick Overton. We are blessed to have such good ministers in our congregation to help us.

Coming to the Chapel on August 21 are Missionaries Matt and Stacy Leighty. They will be sharing their burden for the military personnel serving in Germany. We will be having an All Church Fellowship that evening to honor this worthy couple and a special offering will be received for their ministry. The activities will begin at 6:00 p.m.

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to make life’s journey from her to Heaven an easier pathway to follow. “Come, grow with us!”

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