Historical Commission Honors Cain, Nichols By Jan Regan

Archived in the category: Events, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 11 Aug 11 - 0 Comments

Larry Nichols and Cherre Cain

The celebration began Friday, July 22, at the noon meeting of the Rotary Club of Port Lavaca. State Representative Todd Hunter presented proclamations for the Texas Legislature to Port Lavacan Cherre Cain and recently relocated Port Lavacan Larry Nichols of Galveston. They were being recognized for their service as Chairs of the Calhoun County Historical Commission, Cain for five years and Nichols for two.

During Cain’s tenure she revitalized the Commission by adding over 30 new members. The Junior Historians were funded and formed in conjunction with the CCISD. The Cemetery Committee was formed, faithfully run by Mary Belle Meitzen, and eventually it received recognition for its fruitful work by the Texas Historical Commission. Many historical markers were added to our county and Cemeteries were restored. While Nichols was in the lead, short and long term goals were established: publicize our history, work towards the new museum, collaborate with local and state agencies to re-establish access to the Matagorda Island lighthouse, establish bus tours for Indianola, and such. The caboose was restored.

Later in the afternoon The CC Historical Commission and Friends of the CC Museum held a well-attended program and reception for the two at the Bauer Community Center. The festivities included the American Legion posting of the Colors, Dr. Marcus Caughron singing the Star-Spangled Banner, County Judge Mike Pfeifer’s speaking, and Alivia Jons, Cain’s 8-year-old granddaughter, playing America the Beautiful on the violin. Professor Emeritus of Victoria College, Charles Spurlin, spoke on the Confederate and Union Armies on Matagorda Island from 1861-1865. Museum Director George Anne Cormier talked about the many contributions Cain and Nichols have made to the preservation of the history of this area.

Russell Cain, local realtor, presented original letters from US Presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Bill Clinton to the Museum in honor of his wife Cherre and Nichols. The letters were then read by children and grandchildren of the honorees.

Jan Regan, Chair of Friends of the Calhoun County Museum, unveiled the architectural concept for the new museum. Thanks to the Texas Settlement Region’s gift of funds to the Friends, the fundraising has begun. The structure will be built on the grounds of the Bauer Center. (see drawing)

The crowd was ultimately treated to the wonderful bagpipe sounds of military music and Amazing Grace performed by Dan Sheppard. What an event!

The reception followed to the accompaniment of music performed by Victoria resident Brent Van Sickle. Special recognition goes to Tina Crow, Executive Director of the Port Lavaca Chamber of Commerce, and her staff for the set up and presentation of food and drink for the guests. Ambassadors from the Chamber of Commerce were part of the support for this event.

For more information about the plans and fundraising for the new museum, please contact Jan Regan, 361-552-6313 or jan@russellcain.com.

Bagpiper Dan Sheppard of Corpus Christi (right) at the July 22 Calhoun County Historical Commission and Friends of the Calhoun County Museum Reception.

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