Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 11 Aug 11 - 5 Comments

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.

Dolphin Talk P.O. Box 777
Port O’Connor, TX 77982

U.S. Senate Race

I recently had the privilege to listen to a talk given by retired Lt. General Ricardo Sanchez.

General Sanchez led our troops in combat in Iraq and also saw duty in Kosovo.

General Sanchez is asking for our support in his bid to become the next U.S, Senator for Texas.

He believes the future of our nation depends on us seeing that all our children have the opportunity to get a quality education. He also believes that every one should serve our country in some capacity for two years, either in the military or some civil service.

I urge all of you to listen to General Sanchez and consider voting for him come election time.

You won’t regret it if he becomes our next U.S. Senator.

G.B. Robertson

“The Way I See It”

The way I see it, Mr. William D. Brayshaw’s ability to weave his own opinion into and around a few questionable facts is only exceeded by his verbosity.

While I steadfastly defend the right of us all (not only to have his own opinion) but the right to express it without the fear of arrest or persecution I am sure that if Mr. (AKA Longknife 21) had the misfortune to be a citizen of one of a large number of other countries and attempted to assonate the character of that countries leader as he has attempted to do to President Obama he would now be entertaining his guests from within some rodent infested prison instead of talking about adult beverages in an easy chair.

I wonder what Mr. B. would have to say about the man who was President for eight years before “Little Barry” was elected? I am speaking of the presiding person while all of the big banks were indulging themselves and their greedy over compensated officers who were happily wheeling and dealing with those sub-prime mortgages and by doing so were inflating the housing bubble and draining off the profits. They were permitted to get away with this larceny by an administration whose philosophy was to let big business police itself. Like sending a monkey to the store to bring back bananas. Mr. Obama inherited the recession from the prior administration, let us not lose sight of that. They also were the ones who started bailing out the wall street banks as well as American General Insurance company with billions of my money. (boy I sure could use a few million of that now)

It is my opinion that if greed is left unchecked by government will be unchecked period, and there will be no middle income people left. There will only be the ultra rich who have stolen all the assets of our country and produced nothing, and the working poor.

Shame on you Mr, Brayshaw! Do you have any idea how it feels to work as hard as you can at an honest job and not be able to pay all of your bills at the end of the month? I don’t know you but I doubt that you have ever wondered how you were going to buy clothes for your children. I have been there done that, Mr. Brayshaw. My circumstances are much better now and I will assure you that it is due to hard work over a long period of time. Not one time in my life have I made money by buying and selling sub-prime mortgages on other peoples homes or any other unethical or illegal means. I bet you think that the tax breaks President Bush gave to the rich people is OK. Right?

H.B. Thomasson
AKA Scalpel

The Way I See It By Naomi Albrecht

As we get older, all of us wonder from time to time if our memory is not what it used to be, but recently I have begun to suspect that this entire nation is suffering from Alzheimer’s (the loss seems particularly bad here in Texas). Of course, the nation is approaching 250 years of age, and even Texas has been governing itself in one form or another since 1836, so perhaps advancing age accounts for politicians’ and voters’ political amnesia.

Do we really not remember that when George W. Bush took office this nation was poised to pay off the national debt by 2015 and had a projected surplus of $5.6 trillion in the bank to invest (including $3.5 trillion intended for future social security and medicare needs so that promises made to aging Americans could be kept when they retired)?

Have we forgotten that Bush immediately proposed tax cuts that would cost our nation 1.6 trillion over 10 years but that he assured us would result in the creation of new jobs? Of course, the top 1% of tax payers got 37% of the tax cuts while the bottom 60 percent got only 15%, but we were promised that cutting the taxes on the rich would mean more jobs and improved incomes for the rest of us.

Do we recall that these jobs never materialized, that workers found their jobs moving to foreign countries? By 2003 the surplus had disappeared. Have we forgotten that under President Bush America raised the debt limit seven times even as our country financed two wars through continuing allocations (emergency funding not included in budgets) at a cost of $1.26 TRILLION?

Where was the talk of living within our means when these debts were created, and how is it now that the same politicians that created the debt can lecture the rest of us on living within our means and declare that cutting social “entitlements” that tax payers already have paid for in years of payroll taxes are the only acceptable way to get our nation out of debt? No wonder that some students of American politics call this “deficit by design” (a situation begun by Ronald Regan, under whom the debt ceiling was increased 18 times) and suggest that it is part of a plan to destroy programs such as social security and medicare!

Of course, our governor can brag that here in Texas we are balancing our budget and creating more jobs that in other parts of the nation. How soon will forget that the budget was balanced on the backs of our school children and that expenses previously met by state funds are now pushed down to the local level?

How long will it take us to realize that the jobs being created are low-level minimum wage jobs that leave workers in poverty and provide them with no opportunity to save for their future and little hope of help when they reach retirement?

Do we remember 2006 when Gov. Perry and the Legislature cut the property taxes that funded public schools and promised that a new business tax would make up the difference? Have we already forgotten that the Texas comptroller warned us that “this legislation is a staggering $23 billion short of the funds needed to pay for the promised property cuts over the next five years.”

Have we already forgotten that when the 2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act sent Texas $3.25 billion to spend meeting the state’s educational needs, Perry used those funds to cover shortfalls in areas unrelated to education?

Do we need to be reminded that even as we balance school district budgets by closing community schools, cutting course offerings, laying off teachers and charging students to ride school busses, Texas ranks 49th out of 50 in per-capita taxes, 38th of 50 in its spending per student and 43rd in its graduation rate? Or that only this year our legislators chose to ignore the Texas constitution and state law requiring that educational spending should keep up with the increased costs faced by Texas schools?

Did we not even notice when the 80,000 new students in our schools were ignored as the state underfunded education by $4 billion, leaving schools expected to educate additional students but to do so without a way of paying for their needs?

Has our national and state Alzheimer’s become so bad that we have forgotten how we once made our nation and state great and never noticed when the present and future needs of the many are being sacrificed to make the few even richer than they already are?

Are we really unable to recognize how we are being used by those who hide behind the masks of patriots while manipulating their version of history so that it seems to support policies that serve the desires of the few rather than the needs of the many?

Do we even remember what it was like to be a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people?

Naomi Albrecht, Port O’Connor

5 comments for “Letters to the Dolphin”


To Mr. H B Thommason
I am not a big fan of G. W. Bush’s later administration, but he did better than I expected after 9/11. If you have read much of my comments, you would know that I constantly try to expose the Banksters and FED. I also complained long and loud about the NINJA (No Income, No Job or Assets)loans that were bought up by Fannie Mae. Obama was an attorney for ACORN in ROBERSON vs CITIBANK that forced banks to accept them if the Govt guaranteed them. After The Dems took Congress in 2006 they started a spending frenzy that Bush did little to stop as long as they didn’t defund the war as they threatened. The bail out was insisted on and approved by both Democrat controlled House and Senate. Not me, I assure you.
Now why is it that Liberals attack the person, instead of arguing the facts? When you bad-mouth me, you know nothing of which you speak. I am sorry if you are offended by my verbosity, I refuse to submit myself to the Electronic Lobotomy and socialist Political-Correctness propaganda of MSM TV, so I read alot. Real books, no F-words. In my wife’s and my families, all of the men and 3 of 5 women are Vets. My wife is one. Longknife 21 was my first call-sign, my first tour in Vietnam. What do you say when your kids ask,”What did you do in the war, Daddy?” What kind of call sign is ‘Scalpel’?
Furthermore, most of my time after 1969 has been as a small businessman & small contractor, and I do mean small. We stayed debt free, built our first house from scratch. Karla had to hand dig the drain field by herself because I had messed my back up pouring the septic tank, just her and I. Don’t cry poor mouth and hard work to me. You don’t know me. Or Jack.
I got nothing to be ashamed off. Been fighting Commies since 1967! And won’t stop, I might be too damn old to ‘hump the boonies’ in full battle rattle, but I’m a stone-hearted ‘Dog Soldier’ if necessary.
Longknife 21

August 13th, 2011 at 9:28 pm
K. Burland

To Naomi… I am coming up on the Alzheimer’s generation myself, but one thing I have NOT forgotten, but from your letter, it seems you may have, is that being a nation ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’ does NOT mean holding your hand out for the government to give you something. If you had to put your hand out, you knew your family would be there to help you… or your neighbors. We have gotten away from that, I agree, but thinking that taking care of ‘the needs of the many’ by taking money from the few, who are the every day working people who pay the taxes (not the evil rich), is what our country was founded on is just not so. Why does everyone seem to think if you are against redistribution of wealth, you must be rich? I grew up poor had poor parents and grandparents and not one of us ever took any aid from the government, or wanted to. We paid our taxes like every other American and would not take it lightly if the government wanted to take some of what we earned and give it to someone who just hadn’t gotten around to finding a job yet. I mean NOW, why bother, you can get unemployment almost forever. If you really believe it is the patriots trying to educate people with the truth who are the manipulators here, I do feel sorry for you. You will never get it. I have been trying to get my own sister of 65 years to understand and she also refuses to do so. But please continue to read all you can and maybe eventually some of it will rub off and you will begin to see things as they are.

August 22nd, 2011 at 5:10 am
connie hunt

Hooray to K. Burland and Longknife. It is refreshing to hear from the conservative side. Please remember to come to the TEA Party on Sep 3 and express your opinions. By the way Ms Albrecht, we don’t exclude anyone from speaking. Just be prepared for the other side of the coin.

August 23rd, 2011 at 1:33 pm
H.B. Thomasson

My reply to longknife is that Scalpel was just sarcasm, and as such means nothing. But as to military service I am a WWII vet of the U.S. Navy, My Son also served in the Navy as a corpsman attached to the Marine Corps. I do not question your Patriotism or your sincerety. I do however, disagree with your attack on the character of the President. It also saddens me to see so many pages of the Dolphin Talk being consumed by your on-going disertation on a topic of which (the way I see it) you know so little about.

September 3rd, 2011 at 9:09 pm
Longknife 21

Mr. Thomasson,
I thank you and your son for your service. Because of all of us who serve, we are able to have this conversation.
I assure you I have been studying Barack Obama from when he first entered the campaign. I thought a well spoken young Black man would be a better alternative than the Clinton Machine politics. As I did due diligence research, I read his books and found some questionable things. I did some research on him, his family, Frank Marshal Davis, his attendence to Occidental College, and so on. An honest politian would not be so secretive in covering up his records. He must be very well connected to behind the scenes power-brokers and the media to get away with it.
If you seek, you will find out the same. His connection with Columbia University and Cloward-Pivens, coupled with many of his political appointments and unConstitutional Czars have convinced me he is either a dupe and some else’s cats-paw, or is intentionally and knowingly destroying America as we know it in an effort to try to install a socialist, totalitarian Federal Govt.
There is just too much continuous question on his history. Last week a Federal Judge quashed a motion for information on the Social Security # Obama uses. Why would the Holder DoJ do that? Is it because when he went to Occidental College he was assigned a SS# used by foreign exchange students, and later when he got into politics he needed a real one? Bill Ayers got him one from a dead man from Conneticutt(sp)? If the evidence was in his favor, why not show it and embarrass the people raising the Question? Both document experts and computer experts say the “Birth Certificate” shown is a fraud, and why did it take 2 1/2 years to produce it, and why does the Hawaiian records officials say the original is lost and are defying a Court subpeona? Why? There are dozens of more questions. I could go on for hours. I have spent 100s of hours over 3 years studying this guy and nothing rings true. I’m sorry he fooled you into supporting him. Shame on HIM! If you refuse to consider the evidence and the observable facts that developed, you are letting him fool you again, so shame on YOU!
We are at the cusp of the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. More govt is not the solution, but a poison. Especially more socialist govt. Let’s talk facts & common sense, not failed Marxist monetary theories, class-warfare, and Luddite deindustrialization.
I wish you well in your efforts to find truth. And this is far to long to be published in the paper! LOL!!
Bill Brayshaw AKA Longknife 21

September 3rd, 2011 at 11:25 pm

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