POC Service Club News By Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 11 Aug 11 - 0 Comments

The August 4th meeting was the last meeting of the Summer and now all members will be ‘gearing up’ for the Fall and the various activities on the horizon.

Preparatory to the election of new officers at the 1st meeting in September, the Nominating Committee under the Chairmanship of Pat Ekstrom will be offering a slate of candidates for the annual election. She requested at the August meeting on Thursday, the 4th, that if any member has the desire to serve as an officer to please contact her. Also due at that September meeting will be the required payment of dues for the year. Please plan to get your dues to either Shirley Gordon, Membership Chairman, or Janet Johnson, President, in a timely manner.

Lydia Strakos, Chairman for the biannual Garage Sale stated that the Fall Sale will be October 15th in the Pavilion and that items are now being accepted for the Sale. If any resident is involved or will be shortly with that uplifting chore of closet cleaning, please contact Lydia at 983-2341 (work), 983-2003 (home), or cell 920-5088, or Debbie Busby. 983-4101 (home) or 512 914-9521 (cell) to make arrangements for the storage of usable items until the Sale.

Shirley Gordon, our Membership Chairman and the local Librarian, announced that Valerie Nelson and sister, Theresa Nelson have become new members. Welcomes to both of you, and don’t think you’ll be bored with this organization; we’ve lots of work for you.

Lydia as New Projects’ Chairman announced that a local electrician has been and will continue to inspect the exterior lighting for its proper functioning around the Community Center. It was agreed by the membership to have him check and repair that which needs work and he will provide to the Club an estimate for additional work.

We welcome any and all interested women at our meetings that are held the first and third Thursdays of the month beginning again in the Fall. Our next meeting will be Thursday, September 1, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in the back room of the Community Center. Do plan to come and say hello.

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