Port O’Connor Chamber Chat By LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 11 Aug 11 - 0 Comments

Seems a short time since everyone was waiting for school to be out and now it’s time for school to begin another year. Summer in Port O’Connor has been a very busy season this year. If we could figure out what would bring as many people to our community in the Fall and Winter, it would be great. Does anyone have any suggestions?

The Chamber membership drive was in March and April. If you have any questions as to if you have paid your 2011 membership dues, please email 361poc@gmail.com and I will get you a reply asap, as the first of September, the businesses that are not paid up, will be deleted from www.portoconnorchamber.org. If you need another application or did not receive one, contact us. If you are not a member, the Chamber can’t publicize for you. The Chamber does receive calls and emails concerning services in our community. Soon there will be new brochures printed and you will be deleted if dues are not up to date.

Thanks for the 4th Donations!

Lisa Fowler
POC Boat Storage
Raymond & Sandra Tate
Gulf Coast Title
Marvin Henderson Jr.
Valerie B. Gibbs
Robert & Anna Kidd
Lefty & Joanne Ward
J. Jordan Properties, John & Joyce
and All the Donations that were dropped into the donation cans around POC (Every penny counts.) If I have missed someone’s donation, please contact us!

Welcome, New Members!

Caralcol (Trend Development)
Alan B. & Robyn Roberts
All Seasons Guide Service

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