The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 11 Aug 11 - 0 Comments

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication. Comments on this article may be addressed to: Dolphin Talk, P.O. Box 777, Port O’Connor, TX 77982; Email:

Understanding Obamanomics, Part III

What I call Obamanomics did not start just since he was elected, but has grown out of a Liberal/Socialist policy designed to empower the left-wing control of the Democrat Party and create dependency on Govt programs in the voters. The Socialists know that voters who are dependent on welfare programs will vote for whoever promises them the most. Current estimates state that 48% of Americans pay no income taxes. It ‘seasy to understand that someone who receives handouts and pays no taxes will be in favor of raising taxes.

Not all Liberals and Socialists are evil, but some are. I doubt that many Democrat supporters understand the Cloward-Pivens Strategy, or have even heard of it, but the current leadership certainly has and they appear to be using it, or the general effect of the strategy is being implemented by the current administrations policies. Whether intentional, or the unintended consequences of bad policy, the effect on the economy and the taxpayers is destructive. If they can’t maintain their power by “buying” elections with welfare and promises, they seem to be willing to destroy the economy, and the dollar, to use the resulting chaos to install a totalitarian socialist govt. Violence, riots, and revolution are the traditional tactics of militant socialists.

For over forty years I have listened to the Liberals say the Repubs would “cut Social Security”. Obama saw that his support was weak among Seniors, so he cut the COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) starting in 2009. And they raised the Medicare deduction so retirees checks were less. They said the COLA was not necessary because there was no inflation, but the cost of basic food and electricity were rising rapidly, due to Obama’s stated policies. Now Obama threatens to stop all Social Security for retirees and military pay – even active duty! – but will not consider reducing welfare programs. Punish the people that paid into a socialist Ponzi Scam for 45 years and the people that protected our Nation, but continue to reward the Welfare Class. That defines the core of Obamanomics – use the power of the Treasury to reward your friends, buy support, and punish any group that opposes you.

The $830 Billion Stimulus Bill was to create jobs. Last week the figures came out that the average cost of jobs created was $278,000. Since most of the jobs were fairly low-paying entry level gov’t jobs, why so few? Because the Stimulus was treated as a giant political slush fund to reward friends and buy political support. When the unemployment rate went up to 9.2% Obama claimed the Stimulus was working because the jobs lost were in the ‘private sector’. Is this temporary insanity, incompetence, or admission the planned Stimulus was to grow more govt and devastate the private sector?

Many of the world’s leading economists have stated that raising the debt ceiling without serious cuts in the ‘Welfare State’ will lead to international loss of status for our Treasury bills and a repudiation of the dollar as the World Reserve Currency – that will lead to great inflation. Every one of Obama’s ‘economic’ policies have failed to meet their stated goals, but all have had ‘unintended consequences’ that are potentially disastrous in the long run, if not immediately.

Obamanomics is really about Power. Concentrating power in the Federal Gov’t and creating more and more dependency in the Federal Govt. Not just the power to create ‘money’ out of debt; the Federal Reserve has scammed the Taxpayers with that for 98 years, but the power of Centralized Control to determine what foods we can eat, what kind and how much energy we can use, even what light bulbs we can buy. They have placed 34 ‘Czars’ to write bureaucratic regulations that are totally unConstitutional but carry the penalty of law. You can not buy or sell a home if they don’t approve of the design and the appliances. They will determine what kind of vehicle you can buy and it may be suitable for couples or small families in the cities but useless to farm families in the country. They will determine what water-well you are allowed and put a meter on it and charge you for the water. They do all these and more in the name of ‘saving the planet’, but the real goal is control.

Carol Browner, one of Obama’s Czars, has said for years that control of the food supply can be used to “modify people’s behavior”, make them even more dependent on Govt. Tight controls on fertilizer, agricultural chemicals, hybrid and gene-modified seeds, and even zoning is used to stop people from growing and controlling their own food supply, and now implementing UN Agenda 21 in regards to “sustainable development” that further limits the actions and initiatives of a Free People. Thankfully, here in Texas it is not nearly as bad as in eastern and northern states but more Federal laws and mandates are coming. And with UN Agenda 21 you may have to get a permit from some UN Committee to build a house, drill a water well, or even plant a garden.

What we are seeing today of Obama’s refusal of cutting back on the Welfare State Policy is simply a political gamble. He needs the power to continue to create debt to continue to grow Federal power and buy allies to win the 2012 election. He knows the Economy is not going to get better because his current policies forbid it. Their goal is expanded gov’t and dependency on these tax consuming programs, not freedom and financial independence for the citizens. We will find our lives micro-managed by bureaucracies headed by over-indoctrinated, under-experienced, Marxist-inspired college professors. Look at the people he has appointed as Czars and to other high offices.

It is a recipe for disaster, loss of freedom, property, our economy, our savings, the value of currency, and our future. Marxism fails, especially with the American people it will fail quickly and spectacularly, and will quickly degenerate into a Stalinist type regime and we will be the Kulaks.

We are watching today (7/23) the House Republicans bring plans to reduce runaway spending, temporarily raise the debt ceiling, without raising taxes on a struggling economy, but Obama and Harry Reid refuse to budge from new spending and raising taxes, and they offer no constructive plan of what they think is a solution. They don’t have a solution or a plan.

They got us deeper into this mess by the Old Liberal ‘solution’ of throwing money at any problem or imagined problem. And they are borrowing $4 out every $10 they spend. They already owe an incomprehensible amount of money, and their “solution” is to borrow more?? How will they even pay the interest on this debt when foreign countries stop rolling over these short-term debt instruments and interest rates go up to ‘Jimmy Carter rates’?

The Nation is broke and they are still trying to kill what industry we have left. The cost of energy is climbing because of the ‘Green agenda’. Also turning basic food into a low grade fuel at tax subsidized expense is just plain stupid at this point.

Doing the same things again and again and expecting a different result is one definition of insanity. Borrowing money when you are broke and just throwing it away is another.

The Federal govt takes in approx. $183 Billion per month. Interest on the Debt is $17.7B, total defense spending is $58.5B, and Social Security is $59.6B, for a total of $135.B, so why would we default on the debt interest? It is only 9.7% of our monthly revenue! Or stop paying the troops? Or stop Social Security? I’m sure there is waste in the military budget and Social Security (especially SSI), and it should be addressed, but the immediate concern is the interest and maintaining a trustworthy currency.

Obama is like a man threatening to not make his mortgage payment so he can buy 4-wheelers for his neighbor’s kids! The man has no sense of economics or budget, any farm-wife or grandmother could do better.

We have the opportunity to stop it now. We have got to take the ‘Credit Cards’ away from these Elitists and Wannabe Elitists. Obamanomics is all about creating debt so we must pay for our own chains of slavery. They are using the Utopian promises of socialism to fool the idealistic as well as the lazy and criminal parasites into giving them centralized totalitarian powers that would be dangerous in the hands of a benevolent dictator, much less a gang of bandits that seems to despise everything America stands for.

Bill Brayshaw, Seadrift

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