What’s Happening at First Baptist Church? By Doyle Adams

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 11 Aug 11 - 0 Comments

The Church experienced an extra blessing this past Sunday morning as our guest Pastor Bro. George Yarbrough baptized two young brothers. The two brothers, Mitchel and Marshall Arlitt, accepted Jesus as their Savior and were baptized together, with their parents Ron and Donna Arlitt witnessing the event.

The morning worship service was well attended and Bro. Yarbrough delivered an inspirational sermon. The choir, directed by Bro. Raymond Grant, sang the beautiful Gospel song “We’ll Soon Be Done With Trouble And Trials”. The evening worship service was filled with joyous singing and a message by Bro. George.

The Church Pastor Search Committee is busy reviewing resumes of prospective pastors and will soon be interviewing several. The men of the Church are meeting at 7:30 a.m. every Tuesday morning for coffee and prayer. They specifically are praying for the Church, the Pastor Church Committee, our Nation and our men and women in the service of our country.

God continues to bless the Church and is rewarding the Church through answered prayer.

Several of our senior adult members are preparing for the upcoming “Senior Adult Retreat” at Camp Zephyr. This retreat begins on Monday, September 26 and completes on Thursday, September 29.

Want to receive a special blessing? Attend church this Sunday!

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