Back-To-School Success By Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 24 Aug 11 - Comments Off on Back-To-School Success By Erny McDonough

For parents of school-age children and those who assist in the care of their grandchildren, the beginning of school brings mixed emotions. For some, the first day of school brings a sense of relief as it marks the end of the childcare struggles and summer chaos – the “I’m bored” syndrome; for others, especially those who have preschoolers or kindergartners, it can bring sadness and a hint of anxiety as they prepare to launch their special ones into a world of unfamiliar faces and places, routines and expectations.

The good news is, with a little preparation, caregivers can help their children and themselves transition into the school year seamlessly and get their fragile ones off to the right start.

First, go to school! Even before “open house”, parents are welcomed to tour the school, check out their little one’s classroom and connect with their teachers. They can get the names of fellow students and make contact with the other parents. When caregivers attend school with their prized student, the child’s sense of security is boosted. The child will find that there will be kids he knows in his class and will make going to school less scary.

Second, host a back-to-school party. Invite every classmate and their parents to a time at your home where you can get to know both the kids and their parents better. One can often learn much more about people by interacting with them in an informal setting on familiar turf.

Third, establish a routine. A predictable routine helps children to feel safe and secure. Children who are exposed to a routine also tend to perform better in school than others who live without one. Have a set time for waking up, eating meals, and going to bed. Doing so will help assure that school children are well rested, have time to have a nutritious breakfast, and maintain consistent blood sugar levels throughout the day. All of these steps will help the student focus and remain emotionally upbeat.

Fourth, get organized. When our kids come into our home, they know that if their shoes are coming off, they are going to be placed by the front door – hence, no more lost shoes! Having a set place for school books and supplies will help to eliminate early morning scavenger hunts, which inevitably lead to chaos. Designate storage areas for school bags, lunch boxes, sports equipment, important papers, and musical instruments.

Insist that those students in your home unpack their school bags as soon as they return home from school each day. Making lunches and pulling out school clothes the night before can also help to keep your mornings calm. Nothing promotes learning better than the right start each morning before the students reach class.

Fifth, pray. Children and teachers need Divine help. I like what I heard Paul Harvey say years ago, “Prayer in schools is against the law? Not as long as there are tests!” Both students and teachers face challenges and when we ask God to guide them, provide wisdom and favor for them, to protect them, and to help them make right choices, we are helping them make right choices, we are helping them get the best education possible.

Sixth, make yourself known. By establishing your presence in the classroom, you send the message that you are involved and active in your student’s lives. Even if you can not volunteer regularly as “home-room mom” or “PTA president”, you may be able to bake cookies for school bake sales, chaperone special field trips, or take part in school fairs. Even simply sending a teacher an occasional thank-you note will convey that you consider yourself a partner in your childrens education and that you are keeping tabs on what is going on.

Seventh, complete the homework. Whether it is right after school or right after dinner, have a set time when homework gets completed and a set place where it is done. When the child knows that they are expected to do their homework at the same time, in the same place each day, they are less likely to put up a struggle and more apt to complete their assignments.

Eighth, allow the kid to be a kid. After a long and structured day, kids need time to be kids. Set aside time when your student can take part in activities they enjoy. Knowing they can still have some fun each day, they will be less likely to view school as the reason they can not play outside or visit with a neighborhood friend.

Ninth, eat dinner together. Children who eat dinner regularly with their families are less likely to take part in risky behaviors like smoking or using drugs. Remember, eating together is about more than just food. Sitting around the table provides an opportunity for everyone to reconnect and identify with their family unit.

When kids do not feel a healthy connection to their family that is built on love, acceptance, and a desire to be together, they will look for that connection somewhere else.

Tenth, use a family calendar. The school year brings a lot of extra activities to add to personal and work schedules. Having a master family calendar on the fridge or somewhere else where the family can see it will help everyone know who is supposed to be where and when. Use a different color ink for each family member and update the calendar regularly!

Eleventh, establish boundaries. As children navigate through their new environment, having a clear understanding of what is and what is not acceptable will help make good choices. When a child asks to go over to a new friend’s home for the first time, explain that it is your policy to meet the parents first. If your kids want to see a movie that you do not deem acceptable, remind them of your family’s viewing habits at home.

Twelfth, have family devotions. “The family that prays together, stays together” is more than a slogan – it is reality! During devotional time, kids often open up about their struggles, problems or concerns they are having in school. Being available on a regular basis to talk with your kids about God and how He can work in their lives, you will empower them with timeless truths that will guide their decision making process.

Yes, school has started – have we? By putting these simple twelve steps into motion, we will insure that our school kids have the very best chance of excelling! Love your student enough to make these changes!

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