Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 24 Aug 11 - 6 Comments

Comment on Indianola Commemoration Celebration, received by www.TheDolphinTalk.com web site:

I have just learned of this celebration and I hope to be there for it.

My Great Grandfather, Dr. J. M. Reuss landed there in December of 1845 coming from Germany on the ship Neptune. Though he intended to go on to Fredericksburg, he elected to remain in Indianola and tend the sick. He remained there until after the 1875 Hurricane at which time he relocated to Cuero where he remained until his death in 1908. He founded the Reuss Drug Store which is still in operation and claims to be the oldest Drug Store in continuous operation in Texas.

Joe B. Reuss

Letter to the Editor:

I have answered Mr. Thomasson’s attack on me on the Dolphin’s website. I consider the space in the Dolphin (print edition) far too valuable for personal bickering.

I would like to point out that the first organization to endorse Pres. Obama’s re-election on his birthday was the Communist Party USA. For over a year they have stated that they will not run a candidate against Obama, because they believe that Obama and the Democratic National Committee support and are implementing the “45 Declared Goals of the Communist Party”. See these Declared Goals at:


Perhaps Mr. Thomasson will believe The Congressional Record and Cleon Skousen’s “The Naked Communist”, since he seems to think I make these things up. Search “45 declared goals of the Communist Party’” for 16,500,000 results.

If you want to win, and save America as we know it, you must know and understand our enemy.

I am a Constitutionalist, a Jeffersonian Democrat. We do NOT have a Democrat Party anymore. The Democrat National Committee is controlled by Radical Leftists that the Communists claim for their own. John F. Kennedy or Robert Kennedy would not recognize, or be supported for any office, by what is now called the Democrat Party. Zell Miller saw that 11 years ago. Traditionally the Republican Party was the party of Big Business and the Internationalists. I don’t trust them. However the TEA Party is awakening traditional Americans and trying to restore Constitutional, Conservative, and Christian values and the Republican Party seems to be the vehicle. I hope after we throw out these Radical anti-American Leftists at the Federal level, we can start to rebuild the REAL Democrat Party from the local to state level and even the National level. But it will be a h— of a fight.

Now it seems we only have a choice between the Republican Party or the Communist Party.

Bill Brayshaw, AKA Longknife21, Seadrift

How Did I Get Here?

I was born in 1936 to conservative democrat parents. They instilled in us a need to spend money wisely, save for a rainy day. Everything remained this way until Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society”. Then came Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy, with even bigger give-away programs. We became Republicans.

During the previous years (beginning in 1951), my mother became a single parent of 4 children, ages 14- 12- 8-, 6. Never once did she consider asking for help. She worked at whatever she could find, as did I. My point here is not to illicit sympathy (horrors at the thought), but to point out that in those days people did not look to someone else to take care of them. They were proud of being independent. Now you know why I am a Republican who supports the T.E.A. Party.

Fast forward to the present. Everyone wants something for nothing. No matter what crime anyone commits, it is society’s fault. We have a President, majority Senate, and minority House, who scream “Compromise”. Compromise since 2007 has meant: The Liberal way or ELSE!! During Bob Daschle’s reign as Senate Minority Leader it was obstruct, filibuster, anything to keep from compromising. When the Democrats took over in 2007, it was total control because George Bush chose to “Compromise” and not veto anything they sent to the White House for signature.

Then came the crowning glory — 2008. A total landslide for the Democratic Party. All of a sudden, “Compromise” was no longer mentioned. Just caucus behind closed doors, write the bill, wait until the last minute, and demand an up-or-down vote!!

When the Republicans won the House in 2010, guess what? – all you hear is “Compromise, Compromise, Compromise”. Please show me the Democrat “Compromise”.

Who is the spoiled child, demanding everything their way?? Who has spent us into oblivion?? The Democrats are using the threat of Medicare cuts to scare seniors. In the early 1960’s, who decided Social Security taxes could be used as part of the general fund?? Now there is nothing left. Medicaid and Welfare have used it up.

Because conservative Americans who believe in the Constitution demanded this year that there be a change in the way we do things, the Vice-President, Senator Kerry, and other Democrats have labeled the Tea Party as “TERRORISTS”. This is the same administration who refuses to label combatants who plant bombs, fly airplanes into our buildings, kill indiscriminately — terrorists. According to this administration, these poor people are committing criminal, not terroristic, acts and deserve to be mirandized and tried with all the rights of an American Citizen.

Well, I have arrived at this place. I will peacefully protest, organize, whatever is necessary to attempt to bring our county, state, and country back to a God-Fearing, Moral, America to be proud of!!

Come to our TEA Party, Saturday morning, September 3, 9:30-11:30 am, at the Heritage Center.

Connie Hunt, Magnolia Beach

My Two Cents Worth

Read in the magazine Mother Jones:

American workers are asked to produce more with lower pay and fewer workers. They are doing so and the result is that many people have lost their jobs.

Also there is an article about the Hormel Co. in Austin, Minnesota which process 17,000 hogs a day. In order to lower cost and bust the union they formed a separate company and hired (slang expression for illegal aliens from Mexico) to do the work. When the (same expression) begin to get sick from the methods used to do the work, if they complained they were fired.

The CEO daisy chain: A is the CEO of X Co. He is on the board of Y Co. B is the CEO of Y Co. He is on the board of X Co.You guessed it they both vote each a big raise at the board meetings and when one gets fired because his Co. isn’t doing good he gets a big bonus with stock options to leave the Co.

Suggested reading. The Age of Greed by Jeff Madrick.

This has been going on for over 40 years.


R. E. The Way I See It by Naomi Albrecht.

I found it ironic to be accusing people of manipulating history to suit their agenda, when it appears that’s exactly what’s been done in the referenced letter. First of all, while it’s true when George W. Bush took office he had a budget surplus, it is misleading to say he immediately cut taxes, thus costing our nation $1.6 trillion over the next 10 years. The fact is when Bush took office in 2000, the dot-com bubble was just bursting and the financial markets were reeling. Then in 2001, we were attacked by Muslim terrorists on 9/11 thrusting our nation into severe recession. It was not until 2002, in response to the recession, that Bush cut taxes. After the tax cuts were enacted, the federal government actually saw tax revenues go UP, successively from year-to-year until 2008, when tax receipts stood at about $2.6 trillion – 30% higher than in 2000. During this period, unemployment dropped from 6.3% to less than 5%.

Now, with unemployment over 9%, it should be clear the federal government does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. Tax receipts, even after the financial crisis of 2009, still stand at about $2.5 trillion, about 25% higher than when Bush took office.

Regarding the state of Texas, since our governor is running for President, we are all about to be bombarded by the national media with talking points like “we balanced the budget on the backs of our school children” and “the only jobs we created are low-level minimum wage jobs”.

Please. Do some research, don’t just listen to the media talking points.

According to the Texas Association of School Boards, the state actually INCREASED the budget by $1.6 billion. Sure, we have to adjust to (hopefully) the last one-time federal stimulus spending of $3.4 billion. It’s not easy to cut back, but isn’t it better for us to live within our means than to rely on the federal government to tax the population and then send money back to the states?

Most people know that Texas stands alone in the nation in job creation. Texas has added more than one million new jobs in the last ten years, and continues to add jobs at a higher rate than any other state. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly wage in Texas is $15.14. Contrary to media talking points about the “low-level minimum wage jobs”, facts indicate that Texas ranks 6th in the nation in increasing hourly wages. Yes, average wages are going up, not down.

I’m proud to live in a state that’s leading the way in the right direction, a state that recognizes the importance of balancing the budget at the city, county and state level.

I think it’s time our federal government starts living within its means, like the rest of us have to do.

Thank you for your consideration,

King Tomlinson, Port Lavaca

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.
The Dolphin Editor retains the right to delete or change words that may be considered offensive to some of our readers.

Letters to the Dolphin:
Dolphin Talk P.O. Box 777
Port O’Connor, TX 77982

6 comments for “Letters to the Dolphin”

Longknife 21

King Tomlinson’s reply to Naomi Albrecht

EXCELLENT LETTER!! Truly outstanding. The MSM has lied for so long about so much that they think ‘We the People’ in America are moronic simpletons incapable of memory, reasoning, or research.
The internet and the TEA Party may be able to provide the momentum to cause the needed ‘Reawakening’ of political sanity that will cause a ‘Revival’ of Christian faith, morals, patriotism, and personal responsibility. We all must learn to reject the “bowl of red pottage” that has been offered for our Birthright of Freedom. Our forefathers severely limited the powers of govt for good reason. The Socialist’s buying of votes with Taxpayer’s funds is nothing less than theft. They take money out of the economy to create dependency in the weak and create bureaucracies that further reduce our ability to create wealth. They are literaly stealing our money, our independent spirit, and our ability to create wealth, trying to force a foreign totalitarial system on a Free People.

Bill Brayshaw AKA Longknife 21

August 24th, 2011 at 8:50 pm
Longknife 21

To Connie Hunt’s “How did I get here?”
How True!! Remember Nancy Pelosi’s “We must pass the bill to see what is in it.” Over 2000 pages that few if any Dems who voted for it actually read! That is Malfeasance of Office. And their idea of Stimulus is to fund socialist groups like ACORN, their political cronies, and create more bureaucracies. Also DHS has included gun owners, Christians that protest Govt subsidies of abortion, and our returning combat Veterans as “terrorists”. They are beyond disgusting.
“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.” The Declaration of Independence.
Bill Brayshaw AKA Longknife 21

August 24th, 2011 at 9:29 pm
James Hummel

Longknife, you are indeed incredible. I don’t really care that you are a Tea Party advocate, but please don’t commend someone for an “EXCELLENT LETTER!” when a fifth grader can see through the spin of Tomlinson’s work. He and you need some work on your “research” efforts to be sure. Tomlinson has Dubya taking office in 2000 and passing his tax cuts in 2002. Neither he nor you researched those dates. Come on, you are demonstrating the ignorance of the Tea Party.

August 30th, 2011 at 5:55 pm
Longknife 21

To James Hummel
You are correct about Bush 2 was ELECTED in 2000, but did not take office until January 2001. I clearly remember what happened on Sept 11, 2001 and the strong economic downturn that followed. The “Bush Tax-cuts” were what turned the the economy around then. The Class-Warfare of the Democrat Socialists wanting to tax the successful productive people only makes them put their money in tax-defered investments instead of wealth and job creating enterprises. Creating Govt jobs consumes wealth. While many Govt jobs provide necessary services, these Federal “make-work” projects only create DEBT! A healthy and confident private sector creates the jobs that creates the tax base. I greatly admire the spirit and economic common-sense of Mr. Tomlinson’s letter.
Even the Govt supported and insider controlled “Green Energy” companies are failing. We need real energy now to re-industrialize and Obama ‘declares war’ on coal!?? About 10% of the coal-fired elec-generating plants will be forced by EPA to close, probably causing rolling brown outs in Texas. What kind of Economic Policy is that? Hug-your-bunny in the dark? Argue dates, Alinskyite tactics, and Marxist theory by candle light?
Furthermore, The EPA is trying to enforce unreasonable and unnecessary standards that would never be approved by Congress. This is bureaucratic rule, backed by an out-of-control socialist President.
No thanks. Change it back!
Bill Brayshaw AKA Longknife 21

September 1st, 2011 at 4:58 pm
James Hummel

Is it beyond your comprehension to see that the shift of money to the rich and the elimination of the middle class are what is causing our current problems? Henry Ford, when asked why he paid his workers so handsomely, said that he wanted to make sure they made enough money to buy a Ford. When the middle class collapses, as it is in the process of doing, there will be no demand for goods and services and Fords. The “make work” projects that Obama will undoubtedly propose next week will do far more than create debt. Those jobs will put money in the hands of consumers. The majority of our crumbling infrastructure was built by some of the “make work” programs that pulled this country out of the Great Depression. And, unlike the rich who horde their wealth, this less well-to-do class of workers will spend their money on food and shelter. I guess from your remarks above you are a true Tea Partier who does not believe in science. I’ll take a rolling brown out any time rather than chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. The days of coal and oil are over. Deniers like you may hold back green energy programs for a time but in the end coal and oil will disappear. When all that carbon is in the atmosphere, Texas will be an uninhabitable desert unencumbered by rolling brown outs. Hopefully for my grandchildren it won’t be too late.

September 2nd, 2011 at 12:00 am
King Tomlinson

Mr. Hummel,
My agenda is simply this: federal government spending is out of control and must stop. Bush and Obama have racked up almost $15 trillion in debt, and annual deficits are scheduled to keep adding $1 trillion plus for as far as the eye can see. To make matters worse, the manner in which we are financing the debt through the Federal Reserve is devaluing our currency, and causing inflation of food and energy prices. Surely, spending even more money on top of it all is taking our country in the wrong direction.
King Tomlinson

September 7th, 2011 at 2:31 pm
Untitled Document