Port O’Connor Service Club News By Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 24 Aug 11 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Service Club News By Sue Kubecka

The Club’s next meeting on Thursday, September 1st (10:00 a.m. at the Community Center) starts the beginning of our year. At the meeting, the Nominating Committee will present a slate of candidates for the election of officers for the coming year. Also due at that September meeting will be the required payment of dues ($5.00) for the year. Please plan to see either Shirley Gordon, Membership Chairman, or Janet Johnson, President, with your dues.

Members unanimously decided to give a cash donation to each teacher at the Elementary School. Learning that many items necessary to the classroom are not provided by the school, and, therefore, each teacher pays for them, Club decided that a cash amount would be helpful.

And speaking of the School, volunteers are needed for providing additional help to students in the areas of reading and math. Several grades of students could use the assistance of volunteers for an hour several days a week. If you feel you could devote this time consistently, please contact either Debbie Busby, Coordinator of Volunteers at 361-983-4101, or Lydia Strakos, Principal, 983-2341. I promise you will receive more than you can give!

The Club’s Biannual Garage Sale Is Coming! Saturday, October 15th Is The Day! And if anyone has started that uplifting chore of closet or cabinet cleaning and found items no longer useful, please contact Lydia Strakos at 983-2341 (work), 983-2003 (home), or cell, 920-5088, or Debbie Busby, 983-4101 (home) or 512 914-9521 (cell) to make arrangements for the storage of usable items until the Sale.

We welcome any and all interested women at our meetings that are held the first and third Thursdays of the month. Contact either Shirley Gordon, Membership Chairman, 983-4365 or Janet Johnson, President, 983-4733 for further information.

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