Sports Association Moving Forward By Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 24 Aug 11 - Comments Off on Sports Association Moving Forward By Sue Kubecka

Now that most legal and financial matters are in place for the Port O’Connor Sports Association, the officers will be meeting shortly with the Commissioners’ Court in Port Lavaca for the final step to proceeding with their plans for Phase I of the Sports Complex.

Phase I of the Complex will include a Walking Trail for adults and a small playground with picnic tables for enjoyment. Phase II will include areas for volleyball, basketball and tennis; and the final portion of the Complex will have both a baseball field and a golf driving range.

But the construction of these areas must wait until a survey of the proposed area has been completed, which will be followed by total landscaping plans. And all of this work is contingent upon the membership of committed individuals who will participate fully with ideas and work. To meet these needs, currently a Community-wide membership drive is in progress. Officers to contact are: President, Sylvia Rodriguez of Sylvia’s Hair Salon, 655-3521; Secretary-Treasurer, Amy Gosnell, 935-8745; or Vice President, Calvin Ragusin, 655-0498. Dues are only $10.00 per year; meetings are held in the Back Room of the Community Center on the 3rd Monday of the month, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

If an organization with these plans benefiting both the children and adults of this Community are of interest to you, please plan to call one of the officers listed above, and attend the September meeting on Monday, September 19. We hope to see you there.

Did you know that there were three Women’s Baseball Teams here in the 50’s? And that Lurleen Thumann was an outstanding pitcher?

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