Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 08 Sep 11 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

Many things have been happening around the chapel recently! I got a chance to go to central Arkansas (Morrilton) to be with my dad and while I was gone Joane had to have emergency gall bladder surgery. But, “you can’t keep a good man down” is our motto, and we appreciate all the prayers that have gone up for us. We missed Dad’s 87th birthday celebration that his church threw in his honor on Sept. 4, but are thrilled that he is loved by so many people.

I appreciate Patrick Overton’s ministry in my absence. Patrick, being from Port O’Connor, has a real burden for this community and is praying continually for blessings upon it. His passion for this community truly shines when he preaches at the Chapel.

The Chapel was honored to be a part of “Miss Ruby’s” Memorial service, which was officiated by our friend Bill Reeves. Our prayers continue to be with that family, especially Rosie Williams, who attends the Chapel.

Hermano Jessie Alderete filled the pulpit on the Sunday of my absence. He preaches bilingually and truly is a blessing to our Spanish speaking congregants, as well as our English speaking folks. He ministered concerning water baptism and then, following the evening activities at the Chapel, Hermano Jessie led the congregation to the front beach where he baptized Adella and Francis. It was a very special time, for the Chapel and especially for those following the Lord’s example.

This past Sunday, I ministered concerning “Running on empty” and talked about those who have been expending more than they have been re-filling. Several people responded to the altar call to allow the Lord to “fill up their tanks” and left refreshed in the Lord. In the evening service, Brother Jessie ministered concerning “Determination”.

Joane will be the guest speaker at 6-Mile Assembly, 6440 FM 1090, five miles north of the Port Lavaca HEB, on Sept. 17, at a Celebration of Friendship. The event begins at 10:00 a.m. and there will be door prizes.

On Sunday morning, Sept. 18, the Chapel will host the ministry of David Stewart, who has been involved in many phases of the Lord’s work in both Oklahoma and Texas.

Our Fisherman’s Bible Institute (FBI) classes will begin very soon. This is a three-year course designed to provide an overview of the Bible that will help students better understand God’s Word.

Please contact Joane at 983-2619 if you’d like to be a part of FBI.

Friday Night Youth continues each Friday from 7-10 p.m. for all our local youth to have an activity in a fun, safe place. As always, there will be food and fellowship. Everyone is invited – parents are welcome to come see what is happening here.

Sea Academy classes, to prepare a person will be held at the Chapel beginning Sept. 30. These classes will prepare a person to be a boat captain and take fishing charters. All who are interested should call Captain Robert at 361/816-3010 or the Sea Academy at 361/758-6184.

One will always find a warm welcome here at the Chapel. You are urged to, “Come, grow with us.”

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