Blake Blatchley,12, and his Dad David from Leander, Tx had some high hopes for their Labor Day fishing trip that was cut short by the storm. He did manage a few reds, drum, whiting and snapper.
The fishing was improving over the last few weeks until, just in time for Labor Day, along comes Tropical Storm Lee. If this thing was going to mess up the holiday weekend the least it could have done was send some rain over our way. Instead we got some strong northerly wind up around 25 knots, very low tides and chocolate colored water but not a drop of rain. We’ll keep watching the tropics and keep our fingers crossed.
The bay water is still pretty warm, upper 80’s, and the trout remain close to deeper water. Matagorda Bay was providing some decent trout action around the wells and along the south shoreline. Espiritu Santo and San Antonio Bays were pretty good over deeper shell but with this strong wind it will take some time to recover.
Redfish are going to be much the same. The strong wind and low tides will make the lakes nearly impossible to fish.
The jetties were improving before the storm but its really tough (and dangerous sometimes) to get across the bay. It’s going to take some time for the water to get back to a favorable color and for the waves to settle down.The wind is supposed to get back to a more manageable state over the weekend and next week. Let’s hope so.
Capt. Bob Hill Port O’Connor Charters
(361) 983-4325 www.fishportoconnor.com