Aiding Wildfire Victims

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Sep 11 - Comments Off on Aiding Wildfire Victims

In this photo, VC’s EMS Program Coordinator Ricky DeLaGarza and EMS student Kayla James pack up donations from Victoria College students, faculty and staff. Hundreds of items were donated to aid victims of the recent Texas wildfires.

“Some of our own students from Gonzales were affected by those fires,” said DeLaGarza who coordinated donations with members of the local Pink Fire Truck Guardians of the Ribbon. Victoria’s Pink Fire Truck Guardians delivered donated items to a shelter near Smithville.

“It’s unbelievable how quickly VC faculty, staff and students stepped up to help,” added DeLaGarza. “It warms my heart that Victoria College is sending this message—that we will give to help our neighbors in need.”

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