“He has done great things, He has done great things…Bless His holy Name” is a chorus that we sing around the Chapel. We know that all good things come from our generous and gracious Lord, and we feel like we are living under the cloud of His blessings! Our regular services have been extra special during these last few weeks, with the congregation being faithful and several visitors joining us in praising the Lord. If you are not a part of a local congregation, please know that you will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel, whether you are “local” or not!
We are excitedly anticipating the ministry of the Reverend Jeanine Sullins, director of Home of Hope. Home of Hope is being established to provide a safe place for women and girls that are being rescued from sexual slavery. On October 23, Reverend Sullins will be providing information and answering questions in the 10:00 a.m. service, and will minister in the 11:00 a.m. service. At 6:00 p.m., we will be having an All Church Fellowship, and the Reverend Sullins will provide the devotional. It will be a great day, and we trust you will come and be a part of it!
We just enjoyed a two evening Sectional Revival at Victoria First. This Section involves 20 churches, from here to LaGrange and from Nixon to Wharton. Our revival was lead by the Reverend Rod Vincent. It was a time of spiritual refreshing and renewal. We would anticipate this becoming an annual event, so be looking for the announcement next year.
Friday Night Youth (FNY) will be meeting these next three Fridays from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. There are still a number of our community’s youth that cannot get to even our home football games. At the Chapel, they can still meet friends, eat, and enjoy games together. Everyone is welcome and events are planned with youth in mind.
The Fisherman’s Bible Institute (FBI) has ordered the workbooks, and we are expecting their arrival any day. When we do, we will begin our FBI classes each Tuesday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Our instructor, Joane, will make the Scriptures come alive, and our students will learn a great deal from this three year intense Bible Study program. This is not any way meant to teach one all about the Bible, but will serve as an excellent “Bible Survey” for those who wish to learn more about God’s Word. Jesus told us that Heaven and Earth will one day pass from existence, but what we learn from God’s Word will always remain important. If you have not yet signed up for this study, please call Joane as quickly as possible at 983-2619.
Following our evening service on October 9, which was a service of praise for the rain, we gathered for birthday cake and ice cream. The honorees were Autumn, Devon, and Tyler. Since Tyler was the youngest, the ladies shared a “Texans” cake with him. A good time was had by all.
Folks, we have been praying for rain – now we need to express our thanks for it! So often we ask for God’s blessings, but when they arrive, we forget to say “thanks”! Let us be grateful participants of God’s gracious acts toward us!
On a personal note, Joane and my schedules for the rest of October are hectic, to say the least! Joane has a three-day ladies retreat in Kerrville, Harbor training (3 days) in Austin, a Harbor Fair booth (all week), a visit from her sister (2 day- too short), and together we have a ministers’ retreat (three days) in Kerville and a wedding renewal in Houston. Throw in three trips to San Antonio for V.A. medical appointments with Papaw, just so we will not be bored! We never said we needed much rest – so pray for us!
Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to glorify the Lord by helping people by the Master’s blue print. You will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”