Chili & Gumbo Cookoff By Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 13 Oct 11 - Comments Off on Chili & Gumbo Cookoff By Sue Kubecka

Special Event Benefiting the Port O’Connor Library

A very unusual happening benefiting the POC Library is scheduled for Saturday, October 29th here in Port O’Connor. Planned is a gumbo and chili cook off which should bring out all the famous cooks as well as local would-be cooks. Hoop of Hurricane Junction has planned this very special event and is providing space for all entrants.

Several teams of incredible cooks have already entered and have made their plans very apparent to all other would-be cooks. Teams are being sponsored by various business firms as well as organizations throughout this area. And this is strictly a local area happening.

Hoop, as sponsor of this benefit, has made a very emphatic statement that all monies received from this event will return to our community. And this means that our Library will benefit substantially. And if you have visited our Library lately, you will see that we are really bursting out of the seams, so we are extremely grateful to be the recipient of the funds from this very fun event.

The residents of Port O’Connor are no strangers to helping each other through various activities, so it should not be surprising to learn of an event benefiting our POC Library. To be concerned about another person here in POC is not unusual nor is the person forgotten as events will be staged continually for that person. And Hoop, the owner of Hurricane Junction, has done much for this community with many silent offerings of help, and in planning and hosting many benefits.

The event starts early at 9:00 a.m. when the cooking teams arrive to start preparing their mouth-watering chili and unusual gumbos. These recipes represent the pure basic and local part of our heritage that is so important to our life style in POC, and several hours are necessary to prepare the dish with just that “right” taste of Seasonings.

The public is invited to arrive about 3:00 p.m. when the chili and gumbo will reach its proper level of doneness. Samples will be provided for all to taste and comment on. Judging of the tasty offerings will take place around 4:30 p.m., prior to the silent auction of many “necessary items” for your home or office. Do come and let your taste decide the winner!

And if you are uncertain as to where Hurricane Junction is, just follow the signals from your nose. The aroma of delicious gumbo and chili will lead you straight to the corner of Maple and 15th Streets. Do plan to arrive no later than 3:00 or 3:30 p.m., otherwise seeking parking may be hazardous. For more info: 361-983-4249.

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