Watching the Dallas Cowboys with Satellite TV By Peter DeForest

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 13 Oct 11 - Comments Off on Watching the Dallas Cowboys with Satellite TV By Peter DeForest

Are you a Dallas Cowboys fan and use either DirecTV or DishNetwork as your television service provider? If so you probably get the Houston Network channels as your “local” channels. Do you get mad on some Sundays when for some unknown reason the Dallas Cowboys game is not on? Well I’ll explain it here:

If the Houston Texans have a home game at the same time the Dallas Cowboys play, per NFL rules the Houston Fox Affiliate KRIV 26 is prohibited from showing the Cowboys game. What do you need to do you may ask? One solution is to purchase the NFL Sunday Ticket from DirecTV which shows every NFL game every Sunday. However this can be pricey at $334 per year or $44 for one Sunday for most DirecTV customers.

Another cheaper alternative is to put up a over the air antenna (OTA ) and connect it to your HD ready television set or converter box and watch the Cowboys game on the Victoria Fox Affiliate KVCT 19. The three main Victoria television stations; KVCT 19, KAVU 25, and KXTS 41 are currently broadcasting in digital HD. With a small UHF/VHF outdoor antenna you can receive these stations clearly. You will need a combination antenna as KVCT 19 is now broadcast in VHF, while KAVU 25 and KXTS 41 are broadcast in UHF. Gone are the old days of fuzzy reception with an outdoor TV antenna because with digital over the air HD broadcasts the picture is always crystal clear provided you can pick up the signal.

Outdoor TV antennas are making a comeback since the FCC mandated that all of the broadcast television stations switch to a digital signal. With my antenna, I get 28 channels in crystal clear HD, including additional stations out of Austin and San Antonio. For the Port O’Connor and Seadrift area you will need at least a 40 to 50 mile range antenna to pick up all of the Victoria television stations.

Information regarding satellite channel line-ups and packages is from the respective company offices and websites. Thanks to Jeff Pryor with the Victoria Television Group for his assistance concerning KVCT 19, KXTS 41, and KAVU 25. The NFL, NFL Sunday Ticket, Dallas Cowboys, Houston Texans, DirecTV, and DishNetwork, are all registered trademarks of their respective companies.

a Channel Master CM3016 TV Antenna, 45-mile range for VHF/FM reception, 30-mile range for UHF reception;

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