What’s Happening At First Baptist Church? By Doyle Adams

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 13 Oct 11 - 0 Comments

Final preparations are underway for the Church’ Annual “Great Day in the Morning” which is Sunday, October 30, 2011. The attendance goal is 100 in Sunday School and Church. Letters will be mailed to all Church members and friends of the church, reminding them of this very special Sunday. Sunday morning services will feature Gospel music by the Choir and other special groups. Brother George Yarbrough will be preaching an inspirational message that you don’t want to miss. Immediately after the service there will be “Dinner on the Ground”. The Church Fellowship Committee will be serving a fried chicken dinner with an array of vegetables, salads, and desserts. Everyone is invited to attend the services and the dinner. Invite your friends, relatives and neighbors. Sunday School is at 9:45 a.m. and morning Church service at 11:00 a.m.

Sam Craig will be preaching and singing in the 11:00 a.m. morning service on Sunday, October 16. Sam is an outstanding Christian Music Recording Artist and Missionary. Don’t miss this service.

“Operation Christmas Child” has begun and information about packing your “shoe box” for children is available at the church. The packed shoe boxes are delivered around the world to needy children before Christmas. The boxes will be picked up from the church on November 14. Operation Christmas Child demonstrates God’s love to hurting children in a tangible way by partnering with churches worldwide to deliver gift-filled shoe boxes and Good News of Jesus Christ.

Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 20 at 6:00 p.m. for the Annual Port O’Connor Thanksgiving Service. This year the service will be held in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. The speaker will be Brother Erny McDonough, Pastor of Fisherman’s Chapel.

See you in church Sunday!

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