Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Oct 11 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

What an emotional day! Sunday, October 23, we had the Reverend Jeanine Sullins with us talking about human trafficking. There are a lot of wicked people in this world doing things I wish I did not know about! There are those who get thrills out of viewing little boys and girls being sexually abused on the internet. There are those who go further and need to physically abuse children. There are those who set up businesses where children are available to be sexually abused. There are those who provide the money for businesses to use to set up shop. There are even Christians who do not care how their money is used as long as they get the maximum interest on their money. None of these people are guiltless! Anyone who has anything to do with “sex slavery” anywhere in this world are people who will be judged by God!

But, how guiltless are we who know the practice is going on and do nothing to attempt to stop it? We all know women and girls are being taken advantage of in “strip joints”, “massage parlors”, “girly magazines”, and “porn shops”. We know that even “soft porn” is degrading, and yet millions of dollars are spent in American each year to purchase these items. God forgive us!

Getting involved in trying to stop child abuse is dangerous, because people make millions of dollars off of sexual exploitation. But, can we stand by and do nothing to try to stop this crime against our women and children? I believe it is time for us to move forward to trying to get better laws and better enforcement of those laws to get their sexual predators off American streets. We may not affect India, which has bought and sold little children for years, but we can do something in our back yards!

We were provided with a hot-line number to report any sexual exploitation that we see. That number is 888-373-7888. When we see prostitution, know of brothels, or hear the cries of our exploited children, we need to get involved and call!

We were honored to baptize Victor and Dorothy in the bay this past Saturday. We performed the wedding for them several months ago and they wanted to together follow the Lord’s example in water baptism. We will be having another baptismal service on Sunday, November 6, following the evening service. If you desire to follow the Lord’s example and command, please let us know.

The books for Fisherman’s Bible Institute are finally in and classes will begin on Tuesday, November 1, at the parsonage from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. If you have ordered your books, please contact Joane to get yours so you can be ready for the first class. If you have not ordered your books, let Joane (983-4240) know so you can be ready for the first class.

Our next Sea Academy class will begin on December 2. Those who want to become “boat captains” or those who are wanting to upgrade their licenses should contact Captain Robert at 361-816-3010 or the Sea Academy at 361-758-6184.

The local Boy Scouts are beginning their food drive for the Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets. We trust that when they come by your home, you will be as generous as possible. We have noticed an increase in requests for food this year and want to provide a helping hand for those who are the “needy” among us.

We are looking forward to our Annual Community Thanksgiving Service, which will be held on Sunday, November 20, at 6:00 p.m. We will be gathering at the Catholic Church this year for our special event. There will be great singing and a message from God’s Word. Also, we will be receiving a generous cash offering to help us provide Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets. Let’s do our best!

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregational whose mission is to help everyone in our community be ready to face life here and now and to be ready to face God. One will always find a warm welcome here. You are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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