Big time numbers of ducks, specifically redheads like these, are expected to winter on the POC flats. We can expect lots of pintails and teal, as well. -Capt. Robert Sloan photo
Recent fishing trips to Espiritu Santo Bay, Powderhorn Lake and the islands along the ICWW have been anything but boring. Thanks to the red tide there is no shortage of dead fish. However catches of trout and reds have been better than you might believe.
A few days ago we had no problem finding reds on shallow flats. The key was to find big schools of mullet. Some things never change – find the mullet, find the reds. My best lures over the past couple of weeks have been 5-inch Egret Swimming Mullets in baitfish white or chartreuse. The trick has been to rig them weedless and reel ‘em through the weeds just under the surface. Big reds will plow into them like there is no tomorrow.
While fishing the back water flats I’ve noticed big flights of pintails, shovelers and red heads. Lots of blue-winged teal were moving through POC about a week ago, just after the September teal season ended.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says that overall duck numbers are way up, especially for teal. Based on what I’ve seen we’re in for a heck of a duck season. I’ll be running duck hunts with lodging in POC. For details give me a call at 409-782-6796.
As of Oct. 24 the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department reported that TPWD staff found dead spot, flounder, redfish, and specks near Sand Point and along the eastern portion of Lavaca Bay.
TPWD game wardens have observed stressed red drum and dead sand trout in the ICWW on the western portion of San Antonio Bay. TPWD staff has also found dead gulf menhaden, sheepshead and shrimp eels at the Shoalwater Flats Association boat ramp near Charlie’s Bait Camp. Others at the ramp reported breathing discomfort in the area, including me.
Capt. Robert Sloan – 409-782-6796 www.hightailangler.com