What’s Happening At First Baptist Church? By Doyle Adams

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Oct 11 - Comments Off on What’s Happening At First Baptist Church? By Doyle Adams

I just returned from a very exciting and interesting four days at the Senior Adult Retreat at Palacios Baptists Encampment. This retreat is managed by Sam Craig of Sam Craig Ministries. Our Choir set the stage for a great week of Gospel music. The Choir sang eleven Gospel songs and received a standing ovation. The Choir was the center of attention and talk for the four days. On the final day, a choir made up of Senior Adult Men attending the Retreat sang two songs that were fantastic. One of songs was “Just A Little Talk With Jesus” and the 25 men did a super job singing!

To close out the Retreat, there was a surprise visit by a former President of the United States, George Washington. President Washington was played by Rev. Mark Collins, pastor of Yorktown First Baptist Church. Brother Collins is a “look alike” of George Washington. He is the same height (6’4”) and was in full battled dress as he talked to the group about his early days in the Nation’s Capitol. His major point was that our nation was founded on the principles of God.

This Sunday, October 30, is the Annual “Great Day in the Morning” service at the church. Our attendance goal is 100 in Sunday School and Church. The 11:00 a.m. morning service will have special music by the choir and other groups. Brother Raymond Grant will lead the congregational music and give the Children’s Sermon. Brother George Yarbrough will deliver the special sermon and everyone in attendance will receive a special blessing.

Immediately after the service, everyone will go to Fellowship Hall for a great Dinner-on-the-Ground. The menu is Southern Fried Chicken and all the trimmings. A table full of all types of salads and another table of luscious desserts will greet everyone. Everyone is invited to this wonderful time of food and fellowship.

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the Annual Port O’Connor Thanksgiving Service on Sunday evening, November 20, at 6:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church. The three Port O’Connor churches join together each year to celebrate Thanksgiving. Fisherman’s Chapel, St. Joseph’s, and First Baptist rotate the location and speaker each year. This year Brother Erny McDonough will be delivering the Thanksgiving message.

See you in church Sunday!

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