Port O’Connor Chamber Chat By La June Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 27 Oct 11 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat By La June Pitonyak

Help! Help! At the October Chamber of Commerce meeting, there were not enough Directors present to have a quorum. In fact, it has been this way for the past three meetings. Come on, Directors and Members, it is only one hour a month; get involved in your community. I hear people talking about different topics and some say, “Why doesn’t the Chamber do this or that,” but they really have no reason to complain, when they never come to a meeting and never voice their opinion.

In December 2011 on the 12th will be the Annual Chamber Christmas Party and Election for the 2012 Directors and Officers. We so badly need some names on the ballot. If you are a member and do not mind, or would like your name on ballot, please call 361-983-2898 or email 361poc@gmail.com and make it known that you want to get involved.

We certainly invite everyone to share their ideas. The more ideas, the more we can accomplish. If you would like to share some interest as to what the Chamber might do, just email leah@tigrett.com, so you can be put on the meeting’s agenda. You do not have to live in Port O’Connor, just be a member and want betterment for the community.

November meeting will be on the 14th –looking forward to a full house!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome, New Members!

Captain’s Quarters Motel & Suites
Sylvia’s Salon
John’s Shredding
S&J R.V. Park
Sand Dollar
Canal R.V. Park
Lots’a Luck R.V. Park
Seigeler Insurance Agency, Inc.
Bob Bonar-State Farm Insurance
Capt. Henry’s Guide Service
Bugman, Inc.
Jane Lane, Attorney

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