Calhoun Class of 1956 Reunion By Joy Fryou

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 10 Nov 11 - Comments Off on Calhoun Class of 1956 Reunion By Joy Fryou

The Class of 1956 and their spouses

The Calhoun Class of 1956 celebrated it’s 55th Class Reunion on Saturday, October 29, at the Port Lavaca First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Out of a class of 89, twenty-nine classmates were in attendance.

We were sadden to hear that 27 of our classmates were deceased, but what a great time we had sharing memories and meeting with those we had not seen in years. I must say, in my eyes, we all looked great and had not changed much in the past 55 years!

We started our get-together with our great Masters of Ceremonies, Tommy Stellman and Richard Barton. We recognized deceased classmates, those ailing, and gave recognition to all our visitors. We also discussed the two $500 Scholarships our 1956 Class gives to two deserving Calhoun High Seniors in honor of our 1956 Athletic Director, Guy B. Hayes and Principal John T. Camp.

Invocation was given by Rev. Marcos Gohlke before we enjoyed a delicious lunch together.

It was great fun to remember some of the events that occurred in 1956. I will list a few of them and you might also enjoy remembering some of them:

1. We were the first class to graduate from the new Calhoun High School, that was known previously as Port Lavaca High.

2. Elvis first appeared on the Ed Sullivan show (only above his waist) and his hits that year were “Heartbreak Hotel” and “Don’t Be Cruel”.

3. “I Love Lucy” was the most popular TV show.

4. The top movie was “Around the World in Eighty Days”.

5. Yankees won the World Series and New York Giants were NFL Champions.

6. General Eisenhower was the President and Nixon was Vice President.

7. Mothers for the first time could buy disposable diapers and non-stick pans.

8. Calhoun High played its first football game with Aransas Pass and won 40-0!

9. Average cost of a new house was $11,700; monthly rent $88; average yearly wage was $4,450; gas 22 cents a gallon, and a pound of coffee was 85 cents!

The Committee that worked so hard to put our Reunion together were Tommy Stellman, Mary Jean Kasper, Vera Ruth Hahn, Lola Smith, Henry Bonorden, Raymond Leonard, Joe Lerma, and Richard Barton.

We can’t wait to attend our next 1956 Class Renuion! The following are those 1956 class members (and spouses) who were in attendance: Vera Williams Hahn (Leroy); Lola Pape Chaka (Charles); Jimmy Leigh (Janice); Joe Machacek (Franceal); Mary Ethyl Neill Willoughby (Charles); Richard Barton (Sandra); Raymond Leonard; Tommy Stellman (Mary Lou); Huey Smith; Charlie Watkins (Mary); Buck Hawes (Alma); Sherry Amsler Shaw; Patty Marek Harrell; Joy Lewis Fryou (Charles); Ronnie Sikes (Lucy); Lee Buchanan (Ellen); Harry Stellman (Carolyn); Marcos Gohlke (Sue); Joe Lerma; Barbara Clay Gibson (Thomas); Mary Jean Maeker Casper; Thurman Neill; Jerry Wallace (Peggy); Henry Perez (Emily); Herman Morris; Thomas Kurtz (Bernice); Henry Bonorden (Dee); Robert Sanders.

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