Saturday, October 29th marked the kick off of the first annual Halloween themed Monster Bash at the Calhoun County Airport, KPKV, in Port Lavaca, TX. This event expanded on the airfields yearly fly in and opened the airport up to the surrounding community.
The morning started out with a 5k Run/Walk, the Monster Dash, sponsored by the Port Lavaca Chamber of Commerce and benefiting the local YMCA. Sixty-seven participants completed the course in a fantastic turn-out for the event’s first year. The race’s participants ranged in age from eight to seventy-eight; awards were presented to the top finishers in their respective age groups.
Local Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 340 was out in force on the beautiful Saturday flying in members from surrounding airports bringing with them the gift of aviation for the youth of the coastal Texas town. On that day alone, EAA members came together to give Young Eagles flights to 75 lucky children! The flights were offered free of charge to youngsters age eight to eighteen. Representatives from the 1940 Air Terminal Museum out of Hobby airport were present as well selling raffle tickets for their pristine 1958 C-172 that they flew in for the day. A flour- bomb drop, spot-landing competition and golf ball raffle drop were also scheduled.

Victoria Chapter #340, Experimental Aviation Association took 75 children on flights at the Monster Bash.
Ghosts’ and ghouls’ of all ages were out to ring in the Halloween season with creepy classics like bobbing for apples, hay rides, a full pumpkin patch, as well as costume and pumpkin decorating contests. Twenty-two vendors registered for the event selling everything from jewelry and horse feed to turkey legs and bar-b-que. Habitat for Humanity was present raising funds by selling raffle tickets and the local Humane Society brought out pets that were available for adoption.
The costume contest had 70 participants; prizes were awarded to the top two costumes voted on by a panel of judges from the Port Lavaca Art Guild in five age groups, including a canine division. The evening wrapped up with the Trunk-or-Treat, the Calhoun County’s sanctioned “safe trick-or-treat event for the season” where participants decorated the trunks of their vehicles in a Halloween theme, and children donning cute and creepy costumes went from car to car collecting candy. “It is well lit and safe and the children can start celebrating Halloween,” FBO Manager Steve Plunkett said. “I am happy with the turn out. I think it has been a success so far.”
To find out more information please contact our publicist, Jasmine Gordon at 361-746-8846 or email her at
Ghosts’ and ghouls’ of all ages were out to ring in the Halloween season with creepy classics like bobbing for apples, hay rides, a full pumpkin patch, as well as costume and pumpkin decorating contests. Twenty-two vendors registered for the event selling everything from jewelry and horse feed to turkey legs and bar-b-que. Habitat for Humanity was present raising funds by selling raffle tickets and the local Humane Society brought out pets that were available for adoption.
The costume contest had 70 participants; prizes were awarded to the top two costumes voted on by a panel of judges from the Port Lavaca Art Guild in five age groups, including a canine division. The evening wrapped up with the Trunk-or-Treat, the Calhoun County’s sanctioned “safe trick-or-treat event for the season” where participants decorated the trunks of their vehicles in a Halloween theme, and children donning cute and creepy costumes went from car to car collecting candy. “It is well lit and safe and the children can start celebrating Halloween,” FBO Manager Steve Plunkett said. “I am happy with the turn out. I think it has been a success so far.”
To find out more information please contact our publicist, Jasmine Gordon at 361-746-8846 or email her at

Volunteers from Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic School helped with the Toy Walk. Pictured is Rhonda Cummins.
Costume Contest Results
Age 0-2
First Place – Caden Simon, age 3 mos.Second Place – Brylee Soefje, 2 yrs.
Age 3-6
First Place – Nicholas Sanchez, 4 yrs.
Second Place – Jaycee Barnes,5 yrs.
Age 7-12
First Place – Ashley Spears, 11 yrs.
Second Place – Kristin Resendez, 12 yrs.
Age 13-18
First Place – Jordan Reeves, 16 yrs.
Second Place – Destiny, Devil
Canine Contest Results
First Place – Buster
Second Place – Tinkerbell
Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Age 3-6
First Place – Mac Alaniz
Second Place – Bethany Wright
Age 7-12
First Place – Raelin Luna
Second Place – Kieran Garcia
Age 19 and up
First Place – Marcy King
Pumpkin Carving Contest
First Place – Ashley Spears
Second Place – Kasandra Spears
Monster Dash Winners
Male 14 & Under
John Daniels 23.30
Female 14 & Under
Ashley Spears 39.40
Male 15 – 19
Eli Milner 27.46
Female 15 – 19
Brittney Heibel 39.53
Male 20 – 29
Chris Gussman 23.16
Female 20 – 29
Sarah Cox 28.52
Male 30 – 39
John Cuellar 22.18
Female 30 – 39
Heather Socha 29.26
Male 40 – 49
Luis Barrios 23.22
Female 40 – 49
Kelley Muncrief 32.18
Male 50 – 59
Rick Rosalez 26.59
Female 50 – 59
Mary Sanchez 61.53
Male 60 – 69
Cecil Brooks 41.28
Female 60 – 69
Gracee Benedick 49.27
Male 70 & Up
Charlie Zirkelback 47.42
Female 70 & Up
Evelyn Burleson 63.21