Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 10 Nov 11 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

Most people in Port O’Connor know that with time change, darkness comes about 6:15 p.m., but that got past me! Most people know that the bay water is cold this time of the year, but that also got past me! Therefore, we had an “enjoyable time” doing what we sincerely love to do – we baptized Jan Nutt in water this past Sunday after the evening service! Yes, it was dark and the water was cold, but we felt both “sunny and warm” about following our Lord’s example.

We are working toward making Thanksgiving special in Port O’Connor again this year. The Community Thanksgiving Service will be hosted by the Catholic Church on Sunday, November 20, at 6:00 p.m. The ladies of the Catholic Church will be providing a time of fellowship following the service; the Baptists will be providing special music; and I will be preaching. We will also be receiving a special offering to help buy the items that go in our Community Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets. We believe the need will be as great as, or maybe even greater this season, so we hope everyone will help make this offering extra special. Also, we would encourage everyone to bring a bag of canned goods to the service. This will help make the baskets extra special!

Fisherman’s Bible Institute (FBI) is going strong. Those who desire to know more about God’s Word are gathering at the parsonage each Tuesday (7-9 p.m.), bringing their completed workbook, and are ready to hear Joane teach. There is a break for refreshments and a lot of friendships being developed while learning more from the Bible. Everyone interested can be added to the class by calling Joane at 983-2619.

Friday Night Youth are meeting on Friday evenings, but will not be meeting on November 25 due to the Thanksgiving holidays. Each youth has been asked to bring a can of food for the needy families these next two Friday nights (11th and 18th). Everyone should be involved in some way helping needy families at this time of the year.

Those families who are truly needy of help during this holiday must place their name in consideration by Wednesday, November 16 and will be receiving their baskets on Tuesday, November 22. Remember, we are wanting to help “need” and not assist “greed”! If you are not needy yourself, but are blessed, you are welcome to call the Chapel (983-4240) and place a needy family’s name on the list for consideration. I have found that in this area, the most needy among us are the last ones to ask for help. Let’s make sure no family in Port O’Connor does without food during this special season!

We have been blessed at the Chapel and are planning extra activities for the Christmas season. We have our annual Christmas Party planned for December 18, and Caroling for December 21. On Sunday, Christmas Day, we will be planning a special service that will begin at 10:30 a.m. Those who know Jesus personally always know what kind of party to throw in His honor, so come and be a part of our celebrations.

The Chapel is an interdenominational congregation who works hard to help members of this community know the reality of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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