Featured Pets

Archived in the category: Featured Pets, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 10 Nov 11 - Comments Off on Featured Pets

Gladys is about 3 years old, every bit as feisty and full of fun as the very special lady she was named for who was a friend to so many in this community. Though not as gregarious as she was (our Gladys would like to be the sole recipient of your attention), this spunky gray and white feline is smart and loving, plays like a kitten, pouncing on things real and imagined, and will always make you feel special.

Do blondes really have more fun? Casey would give that a definite “paws up” YES! She is a year old Shi Tzu mix that elicits a lot of “oohs” and “SO cute!” comments. Everyone and every dog is an instant friend so be prepared for lots of loving attention from Casey. Not quite 2 years old, she’s a fluffy bundle of happiness.

Come see Casey, Gladys, and all the other animals at the Port Lavaca Animal Shelter, 201 Stringham Drive (across from the rodeo arena), Monday through Saturday, 10 to 2, or call the Calhoun County Humane Society, 553-8916.

You can also view her and other animals ready for adoption on line at www.calhouncountyhumanesociety.org

Thanks and we’ll be waiting for you!


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