L to R: Nancy Posey, Hope King, Jean Carlen, Susie Cecil, Dee Williams, Jan Saunders, Terri Sones, Nancy Kilgore and Peggy Wilkinson enjoyed fishing in Port O’Connor with guides Capt. Kenneth Gregory and Capt. Ron Arlitt. Some of the ladies had never even been fishing before and now they are HOOKED! Photo by: Peggy Wilkinson

Gabby Champion with her first black drum.

Ed Daniels from Fort Worth with a bull red that he caught while fishing with Capt. RJ Shelly at the jetties in October.

Benny Robertson enjoyed a good day fishing Port O’Connor with his dad, G.B. and Dixie Howell.

Fishing Guides Capt. Kenneth Gregory and Capt. Ron Arlitt clean fish. Wow, what nice guys that really know their fishing. Highly recommend for some fishing excitement. Photo by Peggy Wilkinson

Mike Hessong took this unique photo while offshore fishing off of Port O’Connor on a beautiful day. Note the boat’s name “Flatlined” etched into the frame of the reel.