Port O’Connor Fishing Report By Capt. Bob Hill

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 10 Nov 11 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Fishing Report By Capt. Bob Hill

It’s strange how quickly the weather can change from Summer to Fall so quickly. After months of severe heat we now find ourselves dodging cold fronts each week. It hasn’t been really cold yet but the fronts have been packing some pretty strong winds. The 3 or 4 days between the fronts is the good time for the fishermen.

San Antonio Bay’s shell reefs have been the center of attention for trout fishermen. Artificials have been a good bet for trout but live shrimp under a popping cork has been best.

The back bays have been really tough to fish due to low tides that follow each frontal passage. Every time the tide tries to get up, along comes a 25 mph North wind that blows the water out. Lots of Reds have been showing up along the south shorelines from Lighthouse Cove to Panther Point.

The jetties have been pretty steady for reds, drum and sheepshead. With these strong fronts coming by it is important to remember that Matagorda Bay can get dangerously rough at times so the trip to and from the jetties can be a real adventure when the North winds blow.

Duck hunting started this week and from what I’ve seen there appears to be plenty of birds.

Port O’Connor Charters
(361) 983-4325


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