Thanks to All For Making the Halloween Carnival a Success
This year’s Halloween Carnival was a huge success raising money to support our school and providing lots of fun for kids and adults. We sincerely thank all the volunteers and parents who helped make this happen. There is such a strong community support for our school and the staff, students and principal are sincerely grateful.
Congratulations 2nd Grade and Thank You Firemen
As part of Fire Prevention Week, Mrs. McCauley’s second grade class participated in a poster contest and their entry was selected out of all posters submitted by second grade classes in the entire school district! To reward the little artists, the Port Lavaca Fire Department treated them to an ice cream party on Thursday, November 3rd. The second graders say, Thank you, thank you to the firemen and to HEB for donating the yummy ice cream, toppings and sprinkles.

First Row: Lacey Woest, Tarah Munsch, Sarah Doggett, Anthony Luna, Keven Salinas, Shayla Teel, Jessie Lashley, Maddie Hawes. Back Row: Shane Branch, John Rosenboom, Madison Stringo, Fireman Josh Petticrew, Jordan Blevins, Harley Albrecht, Amy Resendiz, Joey Helms, Mrs. McCauley.
4th Graders Learn about Native Americans
Have you ever seen a buffalo bladder or touched an ear from a buffalo? Fourth graders in Mrs. Gosnell’s class got to touch and feel actual buffalo parts to enrich their learning about Native Americans. The students discussed various ways the Indians used the buffalo parts in their daily lives. Javier Ayala demonstrated to the others how the buffalo bladder was often used as a drinking jug. Students also crafted items out of clay to simulate the pottery and other items made and used by the Native Americans.
Our Book Fair is Coming November 14-18
The whole school is excited about our upcoming Book Fair. An amazing selection of books is headed our way! At the Book Fair you will find the latest and finest titles for kids, as well as books of interest to parents. Mark your calendar for our Family Event on Thursday, November 17th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. where the whole family can join in the fun. You can also contribute books to your child’s classroom library. Books can also be purchased online using the following link
The Book Fair is a great way to get everyone excited about reading. See you there!
Mrs. Tigrett’s Class Adopts a Hamster
Travis Middle School student, Hannah Hernandez has graciously offered to let Mrs. Tigrett’s class adopt her hamster, BB. Students will experience life science first hand and learn the joy and responsibility of caring for a live animal.
BB the hamster comes with an aquarium cage, but as you might imagine, our school budget does not include any funds to purchase hamster bedding or food. If anyone has some hamster items in storage or would like to donate money to help purchase these items, our students (and hamster) will be especially grateful.
Fifth Graders Are Slimy
Well…not really. They spent the afternoon dissecting slimy jelly fish! As a treat after finishing grueling six weeks district tests, Science Teacher, Belinda Tigrett, surprised the class with an opportunity to learn about jelly fish. Students got to use dissecting tools to cut open the specimens, fold them open and pin them down. They sliced off pieces of the jelly fish and used microscopes to examine and make observations about the jelly fish. Drake Dyes says the experience was “Awesome” but smelly.

Classmates Zoila Garcia and Cierra Harper probe their jellyfish. Notice Craig Lopez’s (far right) solution for dealing with the smell.
Donations and Volunteers Needed For Christmas Store
Each year the students look forward to opening day of the school’s Christmas Store. The store provides students with an opportunity to purchase gently used gifts for their family members and friends. This year’s store will be open December 13-16. All items in the store are affordably priced under $2 and are nicely gift wrapped for the students. The children get such a sense of pride when giving beautifully wrapped gifts they selected to their loved ones. To make the store successful, we are always in need of donated items. Everything except clothes and shoes are accepted. Popular items include costume jewelry, purses, toys and games, puzzles, CDs, screw drivers, knick knacks, placemats, kitchen items, used perfume…you get the idea. Anything for Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, siblings and classmates.
We also desperately need people who can donate a few hours to help wrap the gifts. It’s a productive way to spend time catching up with your friends or making new friends. You can chat while you wrap. There is usually a lot of laughter coming from the wrapping room!
If you’d like to donate items, please bring them to the school auditorium. If you are able to help with the wrapping, please call and let us know 361-983-2341.
Don’t Forget to Save Your Box Tops
Mary Covarrubias would like to remind everyone to get their box tops into school. Many of the box tops expire in December and are only valid if submitted before the expiration date. Look on your food, paper and plastic items to see if they contain any box tops. Every nickel counts!
Dates to Remember
November 11 Fourth and Fifth Grade Field Trip Goliad
November 14-18 Book Fair – School Library
November 17 K-5th Victoria Symphony Musical Petting Zoo
November 18 Six Weeks Awards – cafeteria 8:00 am
November 21-25 School Holiday – Thanksgiving
December 2 Kids sing at Senior Citizen Luncheon 11:00
December 9 3rd grade trip to Victoria – Nutcracker Ballet
December 13-16 Christmas Store
December 15 Christmas Program, 6:30 p.m. school gym
December 16 Kids sing at 1st National Bank Port O’Connor
December 20 Class Christmas Parties and Early Dismissal 12:30
December 21-Jan 3 Christmas Break