What’s Happening at First Baptist Church? By Doyle Adams

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 10 Nov 11 - 0 Comments

This past Sunday was truly a “Great Day in the Morning” at First Baptist Church! We met our attendance goals and we had a Spirit-filled Lord’s Day. This annual Church event is almost like a done day revival. It was beautiful Sunday, not a cloud in the sky, and you just knew that great things were going to happen. The Bible Study and Sunday School was super and the church van was filled with children on arrival at the Church.

The morning service began with the Choir singing the beautiful, fast-moving song “Sound the Battle Cry”. You just knew that we were off to a great service! After the Choir’s call to worship, Raymond Grant led the congregation in singing “When We All Get to Heaven”. The beautiful voices flowing from all the people, you thought everyone was already in Heaven! After singing about Heaven, it was time for everyone to share a good old-fashioned hand shake or hug with their neighbors in the pews.

This was followed by another Choir special, as they sang “I’ve Read the Back of the Book”. When the Choir ended the song with the words, “I’ve read the back of the Book and we win”, the congregation loudly applauded. Brother Raymond Grant then led the congregation in singing “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”, followed by Raymond’s children’s sermon. Raymond was surrounded by all the children as he spoke to them and they held hands as they prayed.

Before Brother George Yarbrough preached his electrifying sermon, the Choir sang “Give the World a Smile”. It was a great service on this “Great Day” and after the Benediction was given, everyone went to Fellowship Hall for a great feast.

The Church Fellowship Committee decorated the Hall with Fall colors, pumpkins, flowers and it was very professionally done! The food table was set with fried chicken, potatoes, corn, beans, and other vegetables. At least 8 different salads were available and the dessert tables were filled with puddings, cakes, cookies, pies, and strawberries with cream. It was fantastic!

This Sunday, November 13, at the 11:00 a.m. service, the Church Pastor Search Committee will recommend Rev. Donnie Marin to be Pastor of the Church and he will be preaching “in view of a call” by vote of the Church membership. Rev. Donnie Martin is currently Pastor of Parkview Baptist Church in Leland, Mississippi. If the Church elects him this Sunday, he will become Pastor of the Church.

Sunday evening, November 20, at 6:00 p.m. is the “Annual Port O’Connor Joint Thanksgiving Service” and this year it is at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Don’t miss this Great Service! An offering will be taken for Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for Port O’Connor needy.

See you in church Sunday!

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