Adopt A Christmas Angel

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 28 Nov 11 - Comments Off on Adopt A Christmas Angel

There is still time to help make some child’s Christmas merrier by participating in Port O’Connor’s Adopt An Angel Program. The deadline for participating is December 10. Paperwork can be picked up at POC Hardware. You will know the child’s age, gender, and sizes, but names are confidential. There is no need to purchase toys, as they are generously provided by the annual “Toy Run”.

A spending limit of $100 per child is recommended. If you would like to participate but feel that you cannot afford this amount by yourself, enlist a friend or two to split the cost, and share the fun of shopping and wrapping, along with the glow of knowing you have helped a child have a nice Christmas.

The wrapped gifts, discretely labeled with your child’s designated number, must be taken to POC Hardware by December 10. The store will keep the gifts until time for their delivery/pick-up. The employees at the hardware store are most gracious in helping to complete this project each year, and they have an alarm system which keeps everything safe.

If you want to participate but are unable to do the shopping, call Marie (983-2322 or 983-4764), Brenda (983-2272 or 920-2272), or you may let Wanda at the POC Hardware know. Santa’s elves will be glad to help.

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