Port O’Connor Fishing Report By Capt. Bob Hill

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 28 Nov 11 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Fishing Report By Capt. Bob Hill

Jack Overman, Mark Gonzales and Bob Dishog of San Antonio caught limits at the jetties.

The fronts keep roaring by, one every week. One good thing, they seem to be focusing on coming by during the middle of the week so the weekends are pretty nice. With each front comes more ducks and more airboats it seems. I love to listen to the airboats at 5:00 a..m. The cooler temps and occasional gale force winds seem to have dissipated the Red Tide in our bays. I haven’t seen any over the past couple of weeks and I haven’t seen any dead baitfish in the bays.

San Antonio Bay seems to be the best place to look for trout. Live bait under a popping cork fished over or near shell has been the ticket from South Pass to Ayers. As the water cools you can also use artificials under a cork like the Mansfield Mauler. This method allows for a very slow retrieve without snagging the shell.

There have been some days with fairly high tides so the lakes have been fishable. Reds are the main attraction with a few trout, drum and flounder in the mix.

The jetties have been giving up full limits of reds, sheepshead and drum. Flounder, pompano and an occasional grouper have added to the action.

Capt. Bob Hill
Port O’Connor Charters
(361) 983-4325


John, Kenneth, and Deborah Stockton of Plugerville had a great day at the jetties.



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