Thanksgiving – Port O’Connor Style By Joyce Rhyne

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 28 Nov 11 - Comments Off on Thanksgiving – Port O’Connor Style By Joyce Rhyne

What better way to celebrate Thanksgiving and usher in the holiday season than to gather with your friends and neighbors for a service of thanksgiving and praise, followed by fellowship around a bountiful table! That’s been the tradition in Port O’Connor for the past seventeen years and is one of the highlights of the season for many in Port O’Connor’s three churches, who gather in this cooperative service.

This year the gathering took place November 20th at St. Joseph Catholic Church. Beautiful music was offered by the Choir of First Baptist, and Rev. Erny McDonough of Fisherman’s Chapel delivered the Thanksgiving message. A delicious repast provided by the ladies of St. Joseph’s was enjoyed by all.

This special service also provides opportunity for giving in support of the community’s annual Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets. An offering of $910.51 was received, to be used solely for the purpose of supplementing the baskets, which have been partially filled with staples and canned goods gathered by local Scouts and by donations from businesses and individuals.

If you missed this year’s Community Thanksgiving Service, you missed one of the most important events in the Port O’Connor community. Thanks go out to all who participated in this special event, and to all who donate to the Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets, helping to spread holiday cheer and good tidings of God’s love to those who find themselves in need at this time of year.

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