According to survey results compiled by the Texas Agricultural Extension Service 74% of Texas’ 254 counties contain feral hog populations and there is a good chance Texas Parks & Wildlife Department offers feral hog hunting opportunities in those counties on almost 1 million acres of Public Hunting Lands scattered across the state. Right now is as good a time as any to hit the woods feral hog hunting. Given the drought conditions across the state hunters can anticipate feral hogs being around whatever water sources are available, especially with acorn-producing trees nearby. In East Texas there are several Wildlife Management Areas that offer year-round hog hunting, but staff recommends keying in on those areas associated with rivers such as Alabama Creek, Alazan Bayou, Angelina Neches/Dam B, North Toledo Bend, and Blue Elbow Swamp Wildlife Management Areas. With the purchase of a hunting license and a $48 Annual Public Hunting Permit hunters will be mailed a publication that includes maps, legal game box descriptions, and means and methods of hunting for each and every Wildlife Management Area, Public Hunting Land, State Park, etc…available in our Public Hunting Program. Additionally, folks can digitally-scout these areas before heading down the highway by visiting
Feral Hog Public Hunting Opportunities
Archived in the category: Fishing Reports
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Dec 11 - Comments Off on Feral Hog Public Hunting Opportunities