Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Jan 12 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

This past Sunday morning, each participant in the services received a package of honey. It was in connection with the morning’s message titled “Carry a Little Honey”. The message was about the need for us to sweeten our lives when things turn sour, cynical, or bitter. We can never be a help to others if we are not sweet ourselves. We also saw that it is truly important for us to “carry a little honey” for those with whom we come in contact. We truly could help to change a situation, which could in turn help change a life, simply be putting “a little honey” into the lives of others.

Exciting news was also shared with the congregation. A youth group from El Dorado, Arkansas is planning to spend their Spring Break in Port O’Connor. Their goals are simple: 1. Do something physical that can be left here. 2. Take home something new spiritually. 3. Have some fun – it’s Spring Break. More information to follow, but to prepare for this activity, we are spending more effort getting the Retreat Center ready. If anyone would like to help or provide needed materials, simply call the Chapel (983-4240) for further information.

In an effort to reach every member of this community, the Chapel is beginning Spanish Sunday Bible Classes each Sunday beginning at 10:00 a.m. For years the Chapel has been ministering to our Spanish speaking friends with special activities and bilingual services. Now, Hermano Jessie has agreed to begin teaching the Bible in Spanish each Sunday. All those interested should come and learn in their native language.

Fisherman’s Bible Institute (FBI) continues growing with more serious students showing up for the Tuesday evening teaching time. Those working through the Bible with FBI complete workbooks before coming to class each week (Tuesday 7-9 p.m.). It is a great way to get better acquainted with God’s Word. Those interested should call Pastor Joane at 983-2619 for further information.

Friday Night Youth (FNY) is getting back in its normal routine following the special activities that marked the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. All community youth are invited to the Chapel each Friday evening (7-10 p.m.), except the first Friday of each month. There are always friends to hang with, food to grub, and a fun, safe place to come on Fridays. We even know some adults (parent types) who enjoy FNY! So, come enjoy an evening with Annette and friends who supervise the FNY.

The Sea Academy has announced another opportunity for those seeking “Captain’s Licenses” in Port O’Connor from January 27 through February 3. All those interested in these classes should contact the Class Instructor Captain Robert at 361/816-3010 or the Sea Academy at 361/758-6184. If one cannot make these classes, the next opportunity for a Port O’Connor class is April 13-20.

There will be a time of fellowship following the evening service this Sunday (January 15) to honor Pastor Joane’s birthday. There will be cake and ice cream, plus a lot of fun. We trust all will attend and sing the Birthday Song for Pastor Joane!

Special plans are being made for another “Movie Night” at the Chapel and the return of Ric Gordon during February. Many will remember our last Movie Night and have asked for another. Popcorn and bottled water will be served. Ric has graced our services for a number of years, but was not with us this past year – so make plans to enjoy his special style of music and humor. Watch for further information in the Dolphin Talk.

Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to help every resident of this community be ready to meet Jesus. We believe that Jesus is coming very soon and we strive to help everyone be ready! But, we are not only concerned about eternity; we also care about the here and now. We believe that the Bible has a lot to say about how to have a joyful life now and we at the Chapel endeavor to help all find these truths. You will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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