Coastal Ed’s Corner

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Jan 12 - Comments Off on Coastal Ed’s Corner

Changes in Latitude – Changes in Attitude!

“Ruin is a gift – a path toward transformation!”

The latitude is Port Aransas and the attitude is to embrace the tourist because they will bring you prosperity! That is exactly where Janet and I reside now. We are not prosperous yet but success is on the radar! Why? We chose faith over fear – packed up our lives and moved to this island we ALL call paradise! There is no blame game here – you make it or you don’t! We choose to make it happen – and it’s fun!! Hard work – but really fun!

While surfing the web for the author of “ruin is a gift…”, I came across an article by Nancy Raulston. She is a noted venture capitalist and psychologist. Some combination that is – check her out. The article credited the phrase to a line in a movie called “Eat Pray Love”. I did not see the movie and it does not matter. She also discussed “Fear vs. Faith” in the business world. The article by Ms. Raulston was written on August 26th, 2010 – which happens to be my birthday. It is also the year we closed our store in Port O’Connor.

A real affirmation to our brief impact we made in Port O’Connor are the many people that have taken time to come down to see us from POC. You will not believe the numbers! Naturally, some are looking for ice cream, espresso, clothing and golf cars! My line is always the same – You want great coffee – across the street at Bundy’s. You want clothing, around the corner is Port A Outfitters and Woodys. Ice cream? There is a Blue Bell ice cream shop on Alister St. across from the IGA grocery store – a real grocery store!

Golf cars? Well, that is what we are all about! Rentals – lots of rentals! Sales – lots of sales! We have sold both new and used golf cars in 2011. So, if you are looking for a golf car – you might want to give me a call.

While we are on the subject of golf cars, CONGRATULATIONS to the citizens who worked so hard to make the legislation happen. odd Hunter – Texas State Representative District 32 – promised me he would make it happen. I know all the local elected officials are slapping each other on their collective backs but it was a grass roots effort that made it happen – no doubt about it! By the way, elected officials, that is how the process works in the USA. Hopefully, the voters will not forget some of the grief we all went through prior to the legislative action.

This will be my last Coastal Ed’s Corner in the Dolphin Talk. We have a new city and county to throw our support. I was elected to the Airport Advisory Board for the City of Port Aransas recently. I am trying to get elected to the Board of our GREAT Chamber of Commerce, and will do anything I can to add value to everything I touch here is this awesome community!

Take care, Citizens! Drive those golf cars safely! Obey the laws and eat your vegetables, too!

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