Condolences – Diane Keffer McMinn

Archived in the category: Obituaries
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Jan 12 - Comments Off on Condolences – Diane Keffer McMinn

Diane McMinn

Diane Keffer McMinn, whose big heart and beautiful smile made such a lasting impression on everyone who knew her, returned to her Lord on Dec. 27, 2011.

Diane so enjoyed being a part time resident of Port O Connor. For many years, first in a travel trailer and then in 1998 with the help of her husband, Jack, they built their dream home. Days were spent on the porch and the swing enjoying each others company. Diane loved the days spent shopping, card games, get togethers, Sunday Beach, fishing and just driving around P.O.C.

Diane’s greatest joys were the friends she met along the way, Debbie, Hilda, Mary, Carolyn, Linnie, Nancy and Belinda. Throughout Diane’s battle with cancer, it was her time spent in P.O.C. that lifted her spirits.

A very special thanks to Debbie Busby, whose love and compassion knew no bounds. Good days or bad days, you were always there for Diane and now you truly have a guardian angel looking down upon you. Diane would not say goodbye… she would just say “See Ya”.

Services for Diane will be held, Jan. 14, 2012 at 1:00 p.m., Westbury United Methodist Church, 5200 Willowbend Boulevard, Houston, TX 77096

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