My Life Cake

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Jan 12 - Comments Off on My Life Cake

Gather all ingredients and utensils; prepare the pans, and turn on the oven.

In a large bowl, add the following ingredients:
Cream together until smooth.

Add two (2) large eggs.
Carefully remove the egg shells. They represent all the hurt from others, i.e., broken marriages, idle hurtful gossip, etc. The egg shells can destroy the cake before you really get started. Be careful to deposit them directly into a container to be discarded in the garbage.

Now add Flour
Baking Powder

Lumps can appear. These represent the things that require just a little more attention, i.e., rude people, some children and/or relatives, and friends that at times are not very thoughtful. Or, the lumps could be just someone who is having a bad day! Work on these lumps; try to reduce them. You may just have to remove them from the batter. Deposit them in the container along with the egg shells. But, we must remember Matthew 6:14, for God will not forgive us if we do not forgive others.

Pour the batter into the already prepared pans. Bake for the required time. Since I like warm pastries, I can occasionally turn the cake out too soon. When I do, part of the cake remains in the pan. This represents my ugly old cancer. Sooo, put the piece back on the cake, glue it down with some icing, and move forward. I refuse to have my cake ruined. It takes me just a little longer to accomplish some things. I do have some good and some bad days also – just like other people!

Now the frosting is put on the cake; spread it all around with a spatula. Well, would you believe when I got around the cake, I found the frosting sliding off? OK, what next? I figure this is representative of my daily problems. Therefore, I will patiently wait until the cake cools, and using my trusty spatula, put the frosting back in place!

Looks good! But something is missing – color. I’ll sprinkle some multi-colored candy pieces all over the cake. These represent all the friends and associates I know. They are all different, and I truly enjoy each of them.

Oh, oh, something is still missing. To make the cake more appealing, I’m going to put a post through the cake, right down the middle to the platter. I’ve found out that this post keeps my cake from sliding off the platter. As I said before, I tend to skip ahead. The rod is my Lord; He keeps me in line! He offers me stability, love, joy, and peace…

Now then, I can offer you a piece of my life cake. If you want to copy the recipe, you are welcomed. If I had had this recipe earlier in life, I could have enjoyed it sooner. Now I have cake all the time and will keep a piece reserved for you!

-Submitted by a member of Fisherman’s Chapel

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