Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by La June Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Jan 12 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by La June Pitonyak

Another year has come and gone. 2011 was a very good year in Port O’Connor. And looking for 2012 being even bigger and better. This year the Chamber is hoping all businesses will achieve the goal to “Build Business Together and Make It Work for All”. The slogan of “The Best Kept Secret” seems to be a thing of the past; it is always interesting to me as to how people visiting Port O’Connor, found out about it. The biggest majority say they heard of what a wonderful place it is through a friend that had been here.

New & Renewing Members:

Costa Bonita Properties, LLC

Miss Kitty’s Fishing Getaways

Salty Dog Outfitters Guide Service & Lodging

Vasquez Construction

Leroy & Joanne Taylor

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