Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce Sponsored Lighting Contest By Joyce Jordan

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Jan 12 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce Sponsored Lighting Contest By Joyce Jordan

Jim and Linda Butler were recognized as “Most Decorated” in the Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce’s House Lighting Contest.

Thanks go out to all those who decorated their homes and businesses during the POC Chamber of Commerce Lighting Contest which included judging on Thursday, December 15th and Friday, December 16th. The holiday light displays were very much appreciated and enjoyed by the residents. We realize there was a lot of hard work that went into the decorations. Therefore the judges had a daunting but enjoyable task before them.

There were several light displays around town that were wonderful which were put up by those who had won one of the categories in 2009 or 2010 and therefore were ineligible to win a category this year. A winner is ineligible for a period of two years to win a plaque in order to give others a chance to win, but they can still be entered into the drawing for a prize of $100.

Thank you for sending in the entry forms with contact information since they make the job of identification and notification of winners much easier. Just remember next year to fill out and return the entry form and don’t forget to turn the lights on during the judging dates. But, remember, because of the fire hazard, the POC Chamber certainly does not want any one to leave Christmas lights burning when there is no one at home. Please remember safety first.

Therefore, thanks again for all those who lit up Port O’Connor. We wish everyone could win, but then there would be no competition.

Winners for 2011 are:

Best Overall: 1504 Jackson Cathy & Jerry Osborn
Most Decorated: 66 Butler Lane Jim & Linda Butler
Best Christmas Theme: 811 N. 7th Debbie & Frank Michalek
Most Colorful: 1202 W. Adams Candice & Jason Stryker
Most Unique: 206 N. 2nd Otto & Alane Haardt
Most Religious Theme: 2772 Stella Rick & Nancy Posey
Best Spirit 310 N. 10th Karen Smith
Best Commercial: 32 Voss Lane Teresa’s – Teresa Bolding

And last, but not least, the winner of the $100. prize drawing is Bill & Julie Yost, 1010 Harrison.

Although no plaques are awarded for Honorable Mention categories for Residential and Commercial, we would like to recognize the following for their displays: those who won categories within the past two years like Scott & Kelly Wheat on Main, and Leon Brown on Park – both winning categories in 2010; and Catrina Ragan on Taylor who won a category in 2009. Other participants who receive Honorable Mention are: Vickie McManus on Maple, Jim & Diane Cooley on Maple, Eddy Voss on Maple, Ice For You on Adams, BB Upholstery on Adams, Sonny Cook on Monroe, Bits & Marg Braudaway on Harrison, and Martin & Hilda Villarreal on Jackson.

The POC Chamber of Commerce Officers and Directors wish you and yours the best of everything in 2012!!

Leah Griffin, Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce President, presents the $100.00 check to Julie and Bill Yost.

Most Religious Theme - Rick & Nancy Posey

Sonny Cook's house

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