Port O’Connor Fishing Report By Capt. Bob Hill

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Jan 12 - 0 Comments

More cold, rain, north wind and low tides pretty well sums up what we’ve been working with over the last few weeks. I’ve spent most of my time deer hunting in a heated South Texas deer blind so the weather hasn’t gotten in my way.

The back lakes have been too shallow for nearly everyone but the airboats. There have been some good boxes of reds for those that can get there.

Trout remain the main attraction around the San Antonio Bay shell reefs. The water has been really clear down there. Live shrimp is best if you can find it.

The jetties have settled in to the winter pattern. Dead bait has been good for Sheepshead, Drum and Reds. Occasional solid Specks have been caught working artificials close to the rocks in clear water.

The duck hunting by all accounts has been exceptional. Reminds you of the great seasons in the 70’s and 80’s.

Capt. Bob Hill
Port O’Connor Charters
(361) 983-4325


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