What’s Rockin’ at the POC Library? by Shirley & Sue

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Jan 12 - Comments Off on What’s Rockin’ at the POC Library? by Shirley & Sue

NEW AT THE LIBRARY: A way to go online and learn to become proficient in many computer programs that can be modified for you. Currently, the main library in Port Lavaca has classes for all residents online in the following software programs: Computer & Internet Basics, E-mail Basics, Social Media (Facebook, etc.), OpenOffice, and Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook. All you have to do is to visit our Library, sign up at the desk and then go online. What a painless and non-stressful way to learn!

Just found two new books from two of my very favorite authors: John Grisham and David Baldacci. Grisham’s book, The Litigators is his latest and one of his best. Written almost with “tongue in cheek”, Grisham is continuing to write with a lighter touch, a talent he started with his book, Skipping Christmas. The plot details the life of a Senior Associate in a mega-sized law firm in Chicago, Illinois, who suddenly and finally tires of working 4,000 hours per year and billing his clients a total of 3,000 hours! (A very good billing year for an attorney in a city is about 2000 hours or less.) Our protagonist flaked one day and returned to the down elevator of his building; never to return.

Finding himself at loose ends, he spends the day in a neighborhood bar, making the acquaintance of both the owner and a 92 year old female patron, who arrives with her chauffeur, drinks 3 unbelievably sweet potions, and then leaves. David Zinc then wanders throughout an unknown area of Chicago, when he encounters the office of “street lawyers”, Finley & Figg, two attorneys who derive their income from ambulance chasing, no-fault divorce, and whatever pops up.

To continue with the plot, David finds himself involved with a “mass tort pharmaceutical” case that has some very strange plaintiffs alleging damage from a certain drug designed to treat high cholesterol but seems to cause heart damage instead. I found two themes in this plot by Grisham: the extortion and litigation of mass tort pharmaceutical cases and the abusive though well paid life of an associate attorney. This book makes for compelling reading as Grisham has returned once again to writing a seriously comprehensive book; unlike some of the “pot boilers”, though interesting, he was churning out following the success of his early work.

Baldacci’s Zero Day, his latest, is set in a small rural area of West Virginia, whose economy is based entirely on a coal mine as this is the coal mining area of our country. Additionally, the owner of the coal mine also owns almost every small business in this town; thereby rendering it into the established “company town” of previous years.

When the high ranking member of a governmental security and intelligence department in Washington D.C. (one with the many usual acronysms) and his family are suddenly and mysteriously murdered, a very unusual CID agent is sent to investigate. As scene after scene unfolds creating more mystery, John Puller finds himself asking more and more questions regarding previous Governmental involvement.

As usual, Baldacci draws a plot within a plot, but this latest effort has painted some very terrifying “What Ifs”. A frightening plot, beautifully written and impossible to put down until it’s finished.

We still have books for sale at the Library, thankfully, with donations from residents coming in regularly. Luckily for Shirley and me we have received a number of current books that cover a variety of subjects; even some for handcrafting special items. The monies received from these sales go to add to our DVD collection and to purchase additional books – many times those missing from a series. Do come and check them out! You won’t be disappointed.

“When an old person dies, a Library burns down”
Karin Gillespie

To Our Winter Texans:

The Port O’Connor Library is located at 6th & Adams next door to the Fire Station. Our hours are:

Monday: 9 — 1; 2 — 6
Tuesday: 9 — 1; 2 — 6
Wednesday: 1 — 6
Thursday: 12 — 5
Friday: CLOSED
Saturday: 9 — 1;
Sunday: CLOSED

We welcome any visitor in this area to our Library during those hours; we currently have 3 computers available for use, and an outstanding selection of books. Just takes a current Library card!

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