Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Jan 12 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings By Erny McDonough

Our hearts are saddened with the passing of Jerry Nutt. The Chapel was packed with those whose life Jerry impacted. There were many expressions of love for this generous gentle giant. He had faced many hardships in his life of only 62 years, but his courage was never lost. On the Friday before he went to be with his Lord, Joane and I visited Jerry at M.D. Anderson. He told us, “I’m going to beat this!” and truly he has! He was asked if he was afraid to die and he answered that he was ready to see Jesus! What comfort – what courage!

I want to say “Thanks!” to all those who attended the service and/or brought the meal. There was more than enough and Jan was able to take home several meals that she can take from the freezer to the microwave for a good meal. Thank you!

The Captain’s Class is going on now. Those who may want to be a part of a future class should come by the Chapel and visit with the Instructor, Captain Robert. The next scheduled class will be April 13 through 20 here at the Chapel. There are other Sea Academy classes that meet in Port Aransas for those who want to take a class sooner.

Fisherman’s Bible Institute is going strong with classes meeting each Tuesday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The present study is about the life of David. It is informative and helps us realize what a merciful Lord we serve. All those interested should call Pastor Joane at 983-2619 or just come by for one of the classes.

Next Sunday evening, January 29, we will be having a different kind of service at the Chapel – it will be a wedding. Julian and Alissa will be joined in the “lawful bonds of matrimony” that evening. Everyone is invited to attend and the reception will feature a “pot-luck” meal. It will be a very special evening for the new couple and for the entire Chapel family.

Our Spanish Sunday School class is reaching out to those who are primarily Spanish speaking. Hermano Jessie is teaching the class that begins at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday morning. Everyone is invited to attend.

Work is progressing on the Retreat Center here at the Chapel. Several workers have donated many hours to see the task progressed. We still have much work before we can host the youth group from El Dorado, Arkansas during their Spring Break. If you would like to help, just come by or call the Chapel at 983-4240.

February has a lot of special activities planned. There will be a Friday Night Youth Valentine party on February 10; movie night on Sunday, February 12, and an evening with Ric Gordon on Monday, February 13. Since Ric has been here many times, there are many of you have enjoyed his music ministry, so make plans to come and spend an evening with Ric!

Fisherman’s Chapel is committed to being the Lord’s Church in this day! We are old-fashioned enough to help you remember your roots and yet contemporary enough to stretch your belief systems. We are an interdenominational congregation whose goal is to help everyone prepare for a great eternity. You will find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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