New Books at Seadrift Library By William D. Brayshaw

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Jan 12 - Comments Off on New Books at Seadrift Library By William D. Brayshaw

Since I believe this years election is the most important in my lifetime, the most important issues are ignored or confused by the Mainstream Media, and the American People are pounded by disinformation from political parties, lobbyists, and dozens of special interest groups, many of them with unconstitutional stated agendas, I have donated several books to the Seadrift Library.  Hopefully people will check out and read them and thereby gain a new perspective and a true understanding of where the United States of America is now and the real threats that confront us.

I think the greatest and most pressing threat is the destruction of the Dollar and our national economy. For people that want to understand the Federal Reserve and how “our money” is created, I strongly recommend The Creature from Jeykll Island, fifth edition by G. Edward Griffin. It is a thick somewhat intimidating book, filled with detailed, documented information, but is well written and reads like a mystery novel or horror thriller. Every American needs to read and understand this book.

 The Shadow Party, or How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and the Sixties Radicals seized control of the Democratic Party (2006) by David Horowitz and Richard Poe, I highly recommend, especially to older Democrats (like me) that are wondering what happened to our Party that used to stand up for “the Little Guy”, the farmers, small businesses, workers, property owners, for States’ Rights, property rights, and less Federal interference. Now they may like to call themselves “Progressives”, but they are Big Government Socialists pushing for Federal control of every aspect of our lives. They are Elitists that think they know how to run our lives better than we do, see our Constitutional freedoms as an impediment to be overcome by activist judiciary, and believe that our National sovereignty should be sacrificed to a New World Order run by a United Nations controlled by their fellow International Elitists. But it is “for our own good”! David Horowitz is a self-described “Red diaper baby”, raised by card-carrying Communist activist parents, and was a Communist activist as a young man before he realized the wisdom of Constitutional Government. Also I donated None Dare Call It Conspiracy (1974) and The Planned Destruction of America (1993) to further demonstrate that this Elitist New World Order conspiracy is not new, and is most certainly not limited to the Democrat Party! The Democrat Party is the ‘point of spear’ for this Elitist drive for the ‘socialization’ of America because their DNC leaders have decided to use the Party that way for their own power, even if it harms most of their Democrat supporters and America in general.

Glenn Beck’s The Original Argument is a rewrite into modern English of many of the Federalist Papers explaining the intent and advantages of the Constitution.

Sheriff Richard Mack wrote From My Cold Dead Fingers, Why America Needs Guns (1994) in answer to the the Clinton Gun Ban and the small book, The County Sheriff, America’s Last Hope (2009) to explain that County Sheriffs have the Lawful Right and Constitutional Duty to defend their citizens from usurpation of power by Federal Agencies and unconstitutional actions by Federal officers. Citizens should elect, support, and volunteer for Sheriffs that understand and follow their Constitutional duty. That includes Sheriff Reserves, posse, or militias as necessary in a shrinking economy (and budgets), especially when anti-Constitutional and criminal groups threaten open violence in the streets.

Also I included Demonic – How the Liberal Mob is Endangering America by Ann Coulter. An often sarcastic, even humorous comparison of the current Groupthink, Political Correctness, and violence compared to the French Revolution and other socialist revolutions.

Lastly, 5 books on investing and strategies for protecting your assets in an economic melt-down or collapse and a copy of the NRA’s  The Basics of Personal Protection, a Practical Handgun Handbook is a beginner’s book especially geared for women that may help anyone thinking of getting a handgun and possibly a concealed carry permit.  Yes, Virginia, there is a word in the dictionary for people that don’t own guns – Victim.

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