POC Service Club News By Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Jan 12 - Comments Off on POC Service Club News By Sue Kubecka

Thursday morning, January 19, 2012 meant a return to business activities for the Port O’Connor Service Club.  January meetings are always full of project ideas and other subjects, and can as a result, last a little longer as each member seems to have an idea to convey to the group in general.  And so it was that Thursday.

The meeting began with the introduction of a new member, Alice Pittman.  She is a real delight to have as a member; Alice has been fortunate enough to have traveled to some currently quite interesting places in the Middle East.  Welcome, Alice.  And a guest at the meeting was Janet Lacy, whom we hope will become a member and who did not become daunted by the vivid discussions of our projected activities for 2012.

The History Book Committee is concentrating on the period of the 2nd World War and what it meant to POC.   The Committee are so pleased to have as guest speakers Clarence and Naomi Albrecht, giving us some info re that period.  Sue Kubecka, Head of the Committee, has requested that any current residents, who remember that time or had family here, please contact either her (361-798-0560) or Janet Johnson, President of the Club (983-4737).

The Spring Garage & Bake Sale was discussed. This Sale will be the first of our money-raising activities for this year, and is scheduled for Saturday, April 14th beginning at 8:00 a.m. in the Community Center Pavilion.  Storage for items can be arranged by calling Lydia at 983-2341; Debbie Busby, 512 914-9521; or Susie Onishi 983-0202.

An announcement was made that there have been several members who have suffered the death of relatives recently.  To honor these members and their families, a donation will be made to the Volunteer Fire Department in the families’ names.

Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 2, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. in the meeting room in the back of the Community Center.  Hope to see a full listing of members there!

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