Airport manager Dianana Stanger with art contest winner Brianna Salinas at Calhoun County Airport in front of the Cessna 172 SP.
Calhoun County Airport is pleased to announce the state level results of the International Aviation Art Contest. Congratulations to Calhoun High School (CHS) sophomore, Brianna Salinas, who took first place in Category III, the 14-17 year old category. “The Calhoun County Independent School District (CCISD) consistently is able to have their students compete on a Texas State level and excel. It is with great pride that Calhoun County Airport is able to announce the winner of this year’s annual contest in a field of over 1200 entries this year,” airport manager, Dianna Stanger proudly stated.
“The annual International Aviation Art contest is sponsored by National Aeronautic Association, supported by the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, National Association of State Aviation Officials, National Coalition for Aviation Education, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI), Ken Cook Co., and the National Business Aviation Association Inc (NBAA).” commented Becky Vick, marketing coordinator for Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). “The art contest is designed to motivate and encourage young people of FAI-member nations to become more familiar with and participate in aeronautics, engineering and science.” This year’s theme was “Silent Flight.”
Brianna is a second year art student at CHS and this is her first time entering the annual contest. Her artwork utilized acrylic paint and portrays an autumn scene, which she chose because of the yellow and orange color combination. “I wanted to feature a little girl who aspires to be a pilot and is always watching planes while holding a balloon,” Brianna explained. She says she has always loved to draw, and has enjoyed drawing more and more realistic scenes. Her piece was submitted as an assignment for class, which she earned an A on, and then submitted to the state for judging.
In addition to the chance for her artwork to be judged nationally, she won an Apple iPod Touch from NBAA. Her winning piece will be featured in the 2013 TxDOT Aviation Art Calendar which is distributed to all of the CCISD schools. Calendars are due to arrive in late September.
The young artist and her family, parents Marie and Eddie Salinas, and CHS art teacher, Mr. McIntyre are invited to attend an awards banquet during the annual TxDOT Aviation Conference hosted at the Moody Gardens Hotel and Convention Center in Galveston which will be held on Thursday, March 29th at 6:30 pm.
Brianna hopes to pursue art in college and specialize in digital graphic design. She is the fourth student from Calhoun County to be featured in the annual calendar.
Calhoun County Airport has submitted over 800 pieces of artwork in the past three years to TxDOT’s annual aviation art calendar contest.
For more, visit www.calhounaircenter.com.