Happy Valentine’s Day

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Feb 12 - Comments Off on Happy Valentine’s Day

Valentine from 1909

St. Valentine’s Day
By Bob Lindsey

it doesn’t matter how old you are when love strikes…
and make no mistake about it, it does strike…

like a fish taking a hook on the first cast…
an analogy for you guys (makes it easier to understand)

like a bolt of lightning on a clear summer’s night
(for you gals)

this special day is meant for those
who have had love strike

14 Feb 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day to our wonderful children, Emily, Derek, and Sofia Vasquez! You guys are such a huge blessing in our lives and we love you so much!
Love, Mommy and Daddy

Happy Valentine’s Day, Uncle Cotton. Lots of love. Tina

To Uncle Paul and Aunt Sara Apostalo: We love you both very much!
Debbie and Steve

Happy Heart Day to my favorite fisherman! I love you, Bill Yost.
Love, your 1st mate,

Happy Anniversary February 14 to Elida & Joe Ragusin!

I would like to wish all the Ladies in the P.O.C. Service Club a Great Valentine’s Day. I like ya’ll a lot!
James Hardcastle

Happy Valentine’s Day, Uncle De and Aunt Linda Lewis. Lots of love.

To Dawna R:
You have always stuck by me through the good times and bad. I will love you forever and always; you are the sunshine that lights the days of my life.
Tom S.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Grandma Shaefer! We are all so blessed to have you in our lives. We love you! Love, The Vasquez Clan

Happy Valentine’s Day, Derek! You are the love of my life, my best friend and partner. I can’t imagine my life without you. I love you so much and look forward to growing old with you. :)
Love, your wife, Audie

Happy Valentine’s Day to Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Howard and Judy Lewis.
Lots of love, Tina

Happy Anniversary February 12 to Sharon & Jerome Preslar!

Happy Valentine’s Day PawPaw Christy. Lots of love. I miss you loads.
Bright Eyes Tina

Love to my grandparents, Mary Carmen and Eleuterio Zavala.

Dearest Cheryl, you are my very special Valentine and I love you more each day. I wish you a very happy Valentine’s and while you’re reading this, Happy early Birthday! Love you….

God didn’t make little green apples and it don’t rain in Indianapolis in the summer time. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Dwayne, you’re the best friend a girl could ever wish for.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Grandma Cindy! We know you’re watching down on us with a smile, Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you. We have not and never will forget you. We love and miss you so much.
Love, Emily, Lil’ Derek, & Sofia

Happy Valentine’s Day, Grandpa David! We hope you have a wonderful day! We couldn’t ask for a better grandpa! We love you!
Love, Emily, Lil’ Derek & Sofia

A Valentine for Evelyn Lewis:
First, I want to thank God for sending you down the road so we could meet over seventy years ago; then I want to thank you for keeping the magic alive in our marriage over sixty-five years. You have been my one and only Valentine.
From a very loving husband,

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