Port O’Connor Proud by Donnie Martin

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Feb 12 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Proud by Donnie Martin

On December 12, 2011, my wife, Shirley, and I drove into Port O’Connor, Texas for the last time as outsiders. Oh sure, our surroundings seemed a little unfamiliar for a week or two, but in our hearts, minds, and spirits, we were residents of this leisurely, laid back location we’d never even heard of until early October of last year. However, having accepted the call of the First Baptist Church to be their new pastor, we saw our arrival in POC not only as a portent of progress and purpose in our lives, but also the fulfillment of a long standing passion and prayer on our part.

When I was about five years old, my family moved from Petal, Mississippi to Pasadena, Texas where I eventually started the first grade. My dad was a welder for the Brown & Root Corporation, and often plied his trade on the oil rigs out in the Gulf. Dad loved his job, even though it was hot, sweaty work during the summer months.

Though my family eventually moved back to my Dad’s and Mom’s home state of Mississippi, I secretly nurtured an inner love and longing for the State of Texas. I guess it had something to do with the grandeur and largeness of it all that captured my young heart, filling it with wide-eyed excitement.

Fresh out of high school, I enlisted in the U.S. Air Force, in September of 1969, and took my very first airplane flight to a place I’d only read about in history books: San Antonio, Texas. However, Basic Training kind of took the luster off of being in a historic town. Those six weeks were tough. Nevertheless, shortly after Basic, I took a 30-day leave and went home to marry my sweetheart, Shirley Brown. We made our first home together in San Antonio for the next couple of years, until I received orders for Cam Rahn Bay, Vietnam. Fortunately, after 10 months in Nam, I received new orders, assigning me to Carswell Air Force Base (SAC), in Fort Worth, Texas. It was there that I was honorably discharged for the Air Force in September 1973.

Shirley and I had every intention of living out the rest of our lives in Fort Worth, enjoying the relationships we had with friends and family who lived in the metroplex. However, God had other plans. I had recorded a long-play album of Christian music in the first year after leaving the service, and I had big aspirations of entering music evangelism, and recording other albums as well. But again, God had other plans. It was not before I felt led of God to enter Bible College and study music in Springfield, Missouri. Little did I know at the time, that two and a half years into my studies, God would call me to preach. Because of that calling, I changed my course of study to Pastoral Studies, graduating from Baptist Bible College in 1979.

Through the years, Shirley and I have ministered to a lot of people in places like Springfield and Raytown, Missouri; Camden, Arkansas; Bluford, Illinois; and the delta towns of Belzoni (that’s Bel-zone-ah, with an “i”) and Leland, Mississippi. We can honestly say that God gave us an endearing love for all those to whom we ministered. However, each time we arrived at a new place of ministry, we secretly hoped that the next place of service would lead us back to Texas, for it was there our hearts had yearned to be for so long.

All I have mentioned above is why I can honestly say that I am “Port O’Connor Proud”. I’m proud to be back in Texas; and I’m proud to be the pastor of such a wonderful, friendly, and loving flock of people as I have found at First Baptist Church. They have welcomed Shirley and me with open arms, and we are grateful beyond words to describe it.

I wish to thank all those who have welcomed us with cards, cakes, and other goodies. My waistline thanks you. I also wish to thank Rev. Erny McDonough, pastor of The Fisherman’s Chapel, for the abundant grocery items he and one of his men brought to us as a welcoming gift. Thank you so much.

Finally, for those of you who would be interested, on April 12 of last year, I released a book entitled Meditations of the Heart: Thoughts on the Christian Life. It is both devotional and exegetical in nature. I believe you will find it interesting and helpful in your daily Christian walk. You will find Meditations of the Heart at the following Amazon web address:


May God pour out His blessings upon Port O’Connor, Texas.

In His service,

Rev. Donnie L. Martin, Pastor
First Baptist Church, POC


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