Training Tough by Jasmine Gordon

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Feb 12 - Comments Off on Training Tough by Jasmine Gordon

Energy radiates at the start of the race.

As the words from the character, Putty, from Seinfeld sounded in my mind, “Gotta support the team,” Dianna, Jodi and I set out to spectate our first Tough Mudder. Our friend and Calhoun Air Center Fixed Base Operator manager, Steve Plunkett of Victoria, along with brother Scooter of Spring, had signed up for the 2012 Texas Coast Tough Mudder. We had to see what all of the hype was about!

The cool, crisp January day gave promise to nothing but excitement. As we stepped into the arena at Brackenridge Park in Edna, pure adrenaline just about came out and slapped you in the face. That’s how intense the feeling generating from the park and 12-mile obstacle course designed by British Special Forces was.

This particular course had a total of 28 obstacles including jumping off a 15 foot plank into a lake (Walking the Plank), fighting your way up two cargo nets (Spider’s Web), climbing up 12 foot high walls (Berlin Walls), several obstacles which involve sloshing through mud and many more crazy tasks to complete. To say this course was intense is an understatement.

As we waited for the groups to start we observed the participants. Teams were dressed in tutus, thongs (yes, men in thongs), business suits, camouflage, you name it – they were wearing it! If you want to participate please note: a hard-core attitude, camaraderie and endurance are a must. This event is not about which team finishes first, it’s all about having fun and the challenge in itself. Not only is strength tested, but a slew of other abilities such as stamina, mental grit and most of all, attitude.

A couple of hours we were settled in to watch Steve and Scooter go through the Shock the Rocks… and let me tell you, this was one of the toughest parts that we witnessed. No matter how fast you completed this obstacle, you were bound to be electrocuted. Most of the teammates we saw go through came out saying, “I think I passed out for a second.” You could hear the shocks as the guys and girls sloshed through the ice. Alas, they guys came through with flying colors. You can view a video of this obstacle on the Calhoun Air Center Facebook page.

The Plunkett team successfully completed the course in two hours and twenty-five minutes! That pretty much rocked! Over four thousand participants were a part of the 2012 Texas Coast Tough Mudder. And yes, Dianna and I were so pumped up after watching Saturday’s teams that you will be able to watch us participate in the 2012 Texas Austin event on October 6th and 7th. Can I get a hoo-rah?!? We are already recruiting teammates and training.

Tough Mudder events are not only held in the US, but they are global: Canada, Europe, Japan, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. To find out more visit

Steve Plunkett, doing it to it, on the obstacle, “Shocks the Rocks”, basically a pool of ice with wires dangling down around you that deliver an electric shock if you’re not careful.

Team mates help each other get over the first set of “The Berlin Walls”.

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