What’s Rockin’ at the Port O’Connor Library by Shirley & Sue

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Feb 12 - Comments Off on What’s Rockin’ at the Port O’Connor Library by Shirley & Sue

A little bit of Community News:

The sudden, unexpected death of one of our residents, Jerry Nutt, has created a financial problem for his family, and our community has stepped in to be of help. Jerry was one of the founding members of POC’s BBQ team, the Smokin’ Nuts, who not only competed in many events and won prizes for their skills, but also gave their time and talents for many benefits throughout our area.

Don Haynes, a member of Smokin’ Nuts, has graciously offered to be of assistance in assembling efforts by organizations and individuals to create various benefits for Jerry and his widow. He is being ably assisted by Joyce Jordan, who is acting as coordinator with Don and the community. The first event will be staged by the women of Fisherman’s Chapel, on Saturday, February 11th. This will be a Bake Sale, held once again at Speedy Stop, commencing at 7:30 a.m. and lasting until sold out! The next scheduled happening, as of now, will be a BBQ dinner, bake sale, and auction on Saturday, March 3rd. The dinner will begin at 11:00 a.m., and continue until 4:00 p.m. or until everything is sold.

Port O’Connor is a very unique and unusual area, consisting of caring residents who never fail to be of help to one another. Unique, in the way that when someone is in trouble, help will be given, wholeheartedly and without any thought of recompense. And this help can, and will, continue until the problem is rectified.

Now, back to the Library News! Not sure where to start with which book. Occasionally, I find on the shelves an author I’ve not become familiar with in the past; this is always a possible time of deciding YES or NO, and being occasionally influenced by learning what is on the jacket of the book, but the review always ends with MY impressions and thoughts. One author I have found is Karen Slaughter; we are fortunate in the Library to have three of her books, all of which I’ve read. I discovered that Ms. Slaughter features in her books a character who is one “with a broken wing”; and have found that one of them is carried throughout the books I read. These books are mysteries, I guess that is what you’d call them; I prefer to call them slices of life, both ripe and rotten. Take your pick of Indelible, Faithless, and Fractured. I really think you will enjoy reading and marveling at the skills of this author. Just hope we get more of them on our shelves!

On a lighter (?) note; do you always watch the movie “Gone with the Wind” when it is shown every year on television? If you’re like me, somewhat sentimental, you make certain you do not miss the film. And, you always wonder and marvel at the expertise in the screen play and photography, particularly in the escape from burning Atlanta. So, when I finally remembered that there had been a sequel to Gone With The Wind written, I found it and read the book. The book is entitled Scarlett and has been written by Alexandra Ripley, who has also written several historical (romance?) tales. The plot of Scarlett is intriguing, and the author takes you from Atlanta to Tara to Savannah and finally to Ireland, and gives Scarlett, a spoiled and very selfish Southern heroine, the opportunity to change and grow. Somehow the writing of this book lacks the punch of the original by Margaret Mitchell, but as she only wrote one book, a reader cannot really complain. I enjoyed reading this, and, of course, kept waiting for Rhett Butler to reappear. And so —– !!!

We welcome any visitor in this area to our Library. We currently have 5 computers available for use, and an outstanding selection of books and DVD’s. Just takes a current Library card and we will be happy to issue one!

We still have books for sale at the Library, thankfully, with donations from residents coming in regularly. Luckily for Shirley and me we have received a number of current books that cover a variety of subjects; even some for handcrafting special items. The monies received from these sales go to add to our DVD collection and to purchase additional books – many times those missing from a series. Do come and check them out! You won’t be disappointed!

“When an old person dies, a Library burns down.” -Karin Gillespie

The Port O’Connor Library is located at 6th & Adams next door to the Fire Station. Our hours are:

Monday: 9 to 1; and 2 to 6

Tuesday: 9 to 1; and 2 to 6

Wednesday: 1 to 6

Thursday: 12 to 5

Friday: Closed

Saturday: 9 to 1

Sunday: Closed

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